Efficient Synthesis of Dicycloalkenopyridines:One-pot Multicomponent Condensation of Aldehydes with

来源 :Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daizhenzeze
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Under microwave irradiation, the one-pot multicomponent condensation reaction of three moles of aromatic aldehydes with two moles of cyclic ketones having free α,α’-methylene positions such as cyclopentanone or cyclohexanone in the presence of ammonium acetate and acetic acid afforded dicycloalkenopyridines with two α-arylidene groups in high yields. Under the similar reaction condition, the reaction of aromatic aldehydes with 1-tetralone having only one α-methylene position alternatively resulted in 10-aryl-2,3:5,6-dibenzoacridines. Under microwave irradiation, the one-pot multicomponent condensation reaction of three moles of aromatic aldehydes with two moles of cyclic ketones having free α, α’-methylene positions such as cyclopentanone or cyclohexanone in the presence of ammonium acetate and acetic acid afforded dicycloalkenopyridines with two α-arylidene groups in high yields. The reaction of aromatic aldehydes with 1-tetralone having only one α-methylene results resulted in 10-aryl-2,3: 5,6-dibenzoacridines.
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In our efforts to identify novel potent anticancer agents,we synthesized a series of 2,7-disubstituted triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidines (6-16).Their antiproliferative
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