目的通过分析潍城区2007年~2011年31 077例围产儿出生缺陷发生率,主要病种发生构成比、城乡及孕母年龄出生缺陷发生率,探讨降低出生缺陷发生率的干预措施。方法对潍城辖区医疗单位的监测资料进行统计分析。结果本辖区医疗单位5年出生围产儿31 077例,其中出生缺陷儿150例,出生缺陷发生率4.83‰。其前四位病种依次为多指(并指)、先天性心脏病、唇(腭)裂、先天性脑积水(脑膨出.无脑儿)。结论本区出生缺陷率明显低于全国水平。大力宣传优生优育知识,加强孕前及孕期保健,孕前3个月口服斯利安叶酸,孕15-20w唐氏征筛查,避免接触有毒有害物质,对生育过畸形儿的产妇于孕16-20w做好产前筛查,孕24w前进行B超检查,发现畸形及时终止妊娠以期降低出生缺陷发生率。
Objective To analyze the incidence of birth defects, the incidence of major diseases, the incidence of birth defects in urban and rural areas and pregnant women in 31 077 cases of Weicheng District from 2007 to 2011 and the intervention measures to reduce the incidence of birth defects. Methods Weicheng area medical unit monitoring data for statistical analysis. Results 31 077 cases of perinatal infants were born in medical institutions within 5 years of their jurisdiction, of which 150 were born with birth defects and the incidence of birth defects was 4.83 ‰. The top four diseases followed by multiple fingers (and fingers), congenital heart disease, lip (cleft palate), congenital hydrocephalus (encephalocele. Conclusion The birth defect rate in this area is obviously lower than the national level. Vigorously promote knowledge of prenatal and postnatal care, strengthen prenatal and prenatal care, oral triamcinolone acetate 3 months before pregnancy, pregnancy 15-20w Down’s levy screening to avoid contact with toxic and harmful substances, childbirth over teratogenic children in pregnancy 16-20w do A good prenatal screening, pregnancy 24w before the B-ultrasound and found that deformity and timely termination of pregnancy in order to reduce the incidence of birth defects.