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流行病学调查分析,就是通过调查性研究和实验性研究,总结分析所得资料,找出传染病在人群中分布的规律及发病原因的科学研究方法。在平时用以研究地区影响传染病发生的一切条件。当传染病发生后,在疫区进行调查,追查传染源,找出传播途径和有利传染病传播的条件,判定疾病的趋势和对已采取的措施进行评价,拟定消灭疫区的具体措施。流行病学调查与分析是相互联系的两个内容,仅调查而不分析就失去了调查的意义,而没有准确的调查,也就不可能根据实际情况进行分析,得出可以指导实践的正确的结论。 Epidemiological investigation and analysis, that is, through the investigation of research and experimental research, analysis and analysis of the resulting data to find out the distribution of infectious diseases in the crowd and the causes of scientific research methods. In peacetime to study the impact of infectious diseases in the region all the conditions. When the infectious disease occurs, conduct an investigation in the affected area, trace the source of infection, find out the route of transmission and the conditions conducive to the spread of the infectious disease, determine the trend of the disease and evaluate the measures that have been taken, and draw up specific measures to eliminate the epidemic area. Epidemiological investigation and analysis are two interrelated elements. Investigating without analyzing results in losing the meaning of the investigation. Without accurate investigation, it is impossible to conduct an analysis according to the actual situation and come to the conclusion that the correct in conclusion.
伴随阑珊的春意,北京中嘉国际拍卖有限公司2010年春季艺术品拍卖会将于2010年5月9日在北京京瑞大厦隆重举行,预展时间为5月6日至8日。此次春拍准备了共计 With the spring d
1979年全国性病毒性肝炎流行病学调查时,我省调查了5792人,检出HBsA g阳性者455例,阳性率为7.86%,分布特点是牧区高于农业区,农业区高于城市,少数民族高于汉族。经过四年的时