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财政法制是整个财政工作的一个重要组成部分.从财政工作的性质来看,财政与法制是紧紧联系在一起的,随着改革开放的深入发展,财政法制工作越来越重要.因此,必须大力加强财政法制建设.我国的老一辈无产阶级革命家、新中国第一位财政部长薄一波同志最近指出,要“加强财政法制建设,努力实现依法理财,以法治财.”国务委员兼财政部长王丙乾同志于去年十月给全国财政法制工作会议 Financial and legal system is an important part of the entire financial work.From the nature of financial work, the financial and legal system are closely linked together, with the deepening development of reform and opening up, the work of the financial legal system is more and more important.Therefore, it is necessary Vigorously step up the building of the financial and legal system, and Comrade Bo Yibo, the proletarian revolutionary of the older generation in our country and the first minister of finance in New China, pointed out recently that it is necessary to “strengthen the construction of the financial legal system and strive to realize the principle of managing wealth according to law and governing the country according to law.” State Councilor and Finance Minister Wang Binggan gave a working conference on the country’s financial and legal system in October last year
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