孔有彬 逝去风景的记忆和忧思

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天高云淡的漫射光线下,美丽的莲花湖呈现出丰富的色彩和细腻的影调。蔚蓝的湖水清波荡漾.浓密的森林郁郁苍苍,浅浅的湖滩上,油绿的草甸与映着天光的湖水颜色一起搅和,而就在如此祥和宁静的画卷中俯瞰草甸,景况丰伟的天地之间,几匹骏马和几个牧马人,却又为画卷平添了若干生动的气息。摄影家孙有彬先生告诉说,为了拍摄这幅图片,他曾在湖边荆棘遍布、怪石林立的山崖上艰难地攀爬了两个小时。然而,如此祥和、宁静、生动的光景对莲花湖而言,却是再也不复存在了。由于当地急功近利的旅游开发,“湖中脆弱的草甸已经招致破坏,这片山水独有的鲜明特色也就因此消失了。”而“消失了的风光”不仅仅只有莲花湖一处。所以这个新年之初,当我在孙先生位于成都城南的工作室里阅读他为数众多的风光摄影作品时,听到的却是他对一些地方所曾经拥有的美丽风光的记忆。为此,孙先生也就一再强调,“天人合一”是风光摄影的基本哲理,而环保却是每一个摄影人应该肩负的责任和义务。 Under the cloudiness of the sky, the beautiful Lotus Lake is rich in color and delicate tone. The clear blue waves rippling lake. Thick forests on the lush, shallow lake, the oily meadow and the color of the lake shone with the sky color together, but in such peaceful and tranquil picture overlooking the meadow, Feng Wei world between the landscape, a few Horse and several Wrangler, but added a number of vivid atmosphere for the picture. Mr. Sun Youbin, a photographer, told him that in order to take this picture he had a hard time climbing two hours on a rocky, cliff full of thorns. However, so peaceful, quiet, vivid scene for Lotus Lake, it is no longer exists. Because of the local quick success of tourism development, “the fragile meadow in the lake has already led to the destruction, and the distinctive feature of this landscape disappears.” The “disappearing scenery” is not only a lotus lake. So at the beginning of this New Year, when I read a large number of landscape photography works in Mr. Sun’s studio in the south side of Chengdu, he heard about the memory of the beautiful scenery that some places once had. To this end, Sun also repeatedly stressed that “harmony between man and nature” is the basic philosophy of landscape photography, and environmental protection is every photographer should shoulder the responsibility and obligation.
给我你的签名,给你我的亲吻    2006年1月30日(正月初二)的晚上,北京天寒地冻,香格里拉大酒店内却春意盎然,法国大使馆按照中国传统在这里举行迎春酒会,大红灯笼、富贵竹、中国结……将整个大厅映衬得喜气洋洋,金发碧眼的法国女郎穿梭其间,眼波顾盼灵动,成了一道道流动的风景。派对上大量东方面孔中,著名影星刘烨格外显眼。  西装革履的刘烨本来可以带着当时的女友谢娜来参会的,可谢娜春节主持的各类晚会一