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由中国声学学会水声分科学会、江苏省声学学会,中国造船工程学会船舶仪器仪表学会,中国船舶总公司水声情报网三会一网联合召开的“换能器与声系统学术交流会”于九月九日至十一日在无锡举行。这次学术交流会的宗旨是就超声学和水声学在换能器和声系统的理论、设计原理、测试方法和应用等方面的共同问题进行探讨,不同之处进行交流以达到两学科互相渗透的目的,同时介绍国际、国内换能器及声系统的新材料、新技术、新计量测试标准等。三会一网负责人冯绍松、吴文虬、柳先、刘孟庵、水永安、翁江波等同志出席或主持了会议。大会共收到论文70余篇,有来自全国二十多个单位的80名代表出席。当地有关单位科技人员参加了旁听。 Acoustic Society of Acoustics Society of China Branch, Acoustic Society of Jiangsu Province, China Society of Shipbuilding Society of Ship Instrumentation, China Shipbuilding Corporation, hearing a sound network of three networks jointly held a “transducer and acoustic systems academic exchange” Held in Wuxi from September 9 to 11. The purpose of this symposium was to discuss the common problems of theory and design principles, test methods and applications of transducer and sound system in ultrasound and water acoustics. The differences were communicated to achieve the mutual penetration of the two disciplines The purpose, at the same time introduce the international and domestic transducer and sound system of new materials, new technologies, new measurement test standards. Feng Shaosong, Wu Wenyi, Liu Xian, Liu Mengan, Shui Yongan, Weng Jiangbo and other heads of the three associations and one network attended or presided over the meeting. The conference received a total of more than 70 papers, with more than 20 representatives from 80 units attended. Local relevant scientific and technological personnel attended the audit.
早在20世纪80年代,河南省汝阳县三屯乡—刘店乡几十千米的红色岩层中,村民时常挖出古脊椎动物骨骼化石,以每500g 0·7元人民币的市价卖给中药铺做药。当地扫盲教师曹宏新发现
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