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为了预防夏秋季痢疾、流行性乙型脑炎等传染病的发生和流行,以保证工农业生产顺利进行,兹根据省人民委员会关于「加强领导,继续开展爱国卫生运动」的指示,特通知各地在六至十月份,以扑灭蚊蝇,加强饮食、饮水卫生管理为中心,结合民间端阳灭五毒的卫生习俗,深入开展一次夏秋季爱国卫生运动。具体要求如下:一、厂矿、工地必须认真贯彻劳动部、卫生部、全国总工会五月五日联合发出「关于加强夏秋季安全卫生工作」的通知各项,首先加强对于饮食卫生的管理工作,各单位炊事员原则上要求每人接受一次短期卫生训练。去年不少单位由于管理不慎,曾发生食物中毒事故,影响了生产,今后应十分加以重视,不允许再有似类事件发生。为了确实作好饮食卫生,各厂矿、工地应征得领导同意,大力发动厨房、食堂工作人员,以搞好饮食卫生为主要内容参加厂矿的劳动竞赛,对于搞好本单位饮食卫生确有显著成绩的单位或个人,应予以表扬或奖励。其次,要求 In order to prevent the occurrence and prevalence of infectious diseases such as summer and autumn dysentery and Japanese encephalitis so as to ensure the smooth progress of industrial and agricultural production, we hereby notify all localities in accordance with the instructions of the provincial people’s committee on strengthening leadership and continuing to carry out patriotic health campaigns From June to October, centering on the fight against mosquitoes and flies, strengthening diet and water sanitation management, and combining with the hygiene practices of eliminating endangering and poisoning by non-governmental individuals, a patriotic health campaign in summer and autumn was launched. The specific requirements are as follows: 1. Factories, mines and construction sites must conscientiously implement the notice jointly issued by the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Health and the All-China Federation of Trade Unions on May 5 on “Strengthening Safety and Hygiene Work in Summer and Autumn”, first of all strengthening the management of food hygiene, In principle, each unit cook requires one short-term health training per person. Last year, many units suffered from food poisoning due to mismanagement. This has affected production and deserved great attention in the future. No similar incidents were allowed. In order to do a good job of food hygiene, factories and mines, construction sites should obtain the consent of the leadership, vigorously mobilize the kitchen, canteen staff, to improve diet and hygiene as the main content to participate in labor competitions factories and mines, do a good job for the unit’s diet and hygiene have remarkable achievements Units or individuals, should be commended or rewarded. Second, ask
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