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民国时期,偏远省份人士出掌教育中枢者为数不多,任可澄即是其中一位。任氏一生主要的教育和政治生涯在滇黔地区,影响及于川粤。就任教育总长后,面临着南北对峙、北方军阀内讧及教育经费极为艰窘的局面,依然力求有所作为。主要表现为尽力维持教育行政机关的运转、整顿教育事业尤其是高等教育、努力应对时代潮流的冲击。既有遵循教育发展规律和顺应时代潮流的进步一面,也有消极应对和保守的举措。教育总长经历是其人生的重要组成部分。 During the Republic of China, one of the few people in remote provinces who took education centers was either one of them. Ren’s lifetime major education and political career in Yunnan and Guizhou area, affecting and in Sichuan and Guangdong. After assuming the post of chief education officer, he was still facing difficulties in confrontation between the North and the South, the infighting of the northern warlords and education funds, and he still tried his best to make a difference. Mainly to try to maintain the operation of educational administration, rectify the cause of education, especially higher education, and strive to respond to the impact of the trend of the times. Both following the law of education development and conform to the progress of the trend of the times, but also negative response and conservative measures. The experience of education chief is an important part of his life.
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