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青霉素的制造在我国还是一項新兴工業。解放后在党的领导与支持下进行了青霉素研究試制工作,繼而又建立了制造工厂。最初是生产鉀鹽青霉素,但由于当时設备条件不可能达到产品無毛无黑点以及成品質量經久不变,又因成品收得率低,医疗界使用鉀鹽时嫌其注射頻繁,广泛採用普魯卡因青霉素油剂,我厂遂从1953年第四季度改制油剂用普魯卡因青霉素原料。制造方法,是利用青霉素游离酸易溶于醋酸戌酯,而青霉素硷金屬鹽易溶于水的特性,將青霉菌發酵液用反复溶媒轉移法进行提取,使之濃縮提純,最后在含有青霉素鈉鹽的緩冲液內,加入过量鹽酸普魯卡因水溶液,使进行复分解反应,析出普魯卡因青霉素晶体。由于准备时間短促,又受到技术及設备限制,在几年来的工業生产中,曾遇到不少質量問題。此种粉剂原料系直接供制造注射油剂使用, Penicillin manufacturing in our country is still a new industry. After the liberation, the trial production of penicillin was conducted under the leadership and support of the party, followed by the establishment of a manufacturing plant. Initially the production of potassium salt of penicillin, but due to equipment conditions at that time can not be achieved without hair black spots and finished product quality durable, but also because of low yield of finished products, the medical profession is too frequent use of potassium salt injection, widely used Procaine penicillin oil, I plant then from the fourth quarter of 1953 restructuring agent with procaine penicillin raw materials. Manufacturing method is the use of penicillin free acid easily soluble in ethyl acetate, and penicillin alkaline metal salt is easily soluble in water, the Penicillium fermentation broth by repeated solvent extraction method, the concentration and purification, and finally containing penicillin sodium Salt buffer, adding excess procaine hydrochloride solution, so that the metathesis reaction, precipitated procaine penicillin crystals. Due to the short preparation time and the technical and equipment constraints, many quality problems have been encountered in industrial production over the past few years. This powder raw materials directly for the manufacture of injection oil use,
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时下 ,市场竞争日趋激烈 ,商家数量急剧增加 ,许多企业效益不同程度地下滑。为了改变经营不景气的状况 ,盘活闲置资产 ,不少企业将多年未充分利用的橱窗租给他人使用 ,以求取
面对即将到来的新世纪 ,为了更好适应形势发展变化的要求 ,各级政府特别是财政部门要在今后的工作中树立以下五个观念:一是树立解决财政问题要立足经济发展的观念。江总书记在