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一、中国的摩托车企业在市场经济环境下具备顽强生存能力经过十余年的快速发展,中国摩托车行业已经成为中国机械工业中具有一定国际市场竞争力行业之一。目前,我国摩托车产量居世界第一位,占世界总产量的一半以上。随着国家整体经济实力不断增强,特别是农民收入增加,摩托车作为一种方便的代步交通工具和运输工具,越来越受到城乡人民的欢迎,摩托车行业保持了十余年快速增长。根据中国汽车工业协会统计的数据(参加汇总数据企业133个),2004年,全国摩托车行业累计生产摩托车1718.69万辆,同比增长16.77%,摩托车行业呈现产销两旺的现象。在出口方面,70家摩托车生产企业累计出口摩托车340.10万辆,同比增长21.10%。需要特别指出的是,2004年中国摩托车行业遇到前所未有的困难和压力,170多个城市对摩托车实行禁牌限行、原材料价格上涨、运输价格上升、出口退税比例率下调等。在这样困难的条件下,摩托车行业还能够取得较大幅度的发展,展示出摩托车生产企业在市场经济环境下具备顽强生存能力。摩托车行业的现状可以归纳如下: First, China’s motorcycle enterprises have tenacious viability in the market economy environment After more than ten years of rapid development, the Chinese motorcycle industry has become one of the industries with certain international competitiveness in the Chinese machinery industry. At present, China’s motorcycle production ranks first in the world, accounting for more than half of the world’s total output. With the continuous improvement of the overall economic strength of the country, especially the increase of peasants’ income, the motorcycle, as a convenient means of transportation and means of transport, is increasingly welcomed by urban and rural residents. The motorcycle industry has enjoyed rapid growth for more than ten years. According to statistics from China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (133 enterprises participating in the data collection), in 2004, the motorcycle manufacturing industry in the country produced a total of 17,186,900 motorcycles, an increase of 16.77% over the same period of the previous year. The motorcycle industry showed a booming sales volume. In terms of exports, 70 motorcycle manufacturers exported a total of 3.401 million motorcycles, an increase of 21.10% over the same period of last year. It should be specially pointed out that in 2004 China’s motorcycle industry encountered unprecedented difficulties and pressures. More than 170 cities imposed restrictions on the ban on motorcycles, rising raw material prices, rising transportation prices and a reduction in the proportion of export tax rebates. Under such difficult conditions, the motorcycle industry can also achieve more substantial development, demonstrating that motorcycle manufacturers have a strong viability in the market economy. The status of the motorcycle industry can be summarized as follows:
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