A new micro-monolithic capacitive pressure sensor (CPT1) is introduced, which is 20 times more sensitive than a piezoresistive strain gauge pressure sensor and has a power of only 1% of the latter, which can be mass-produced by the current integrated circuit technology . The second device, the CPT11, is a bipolar signal processing electronics fabricated on the same chip, producing a cycle-and-pressure low-cycle pulsed output. This form of output helps to solve the problem of shorting between leads, and the short between leads is one of the basic reasons for the long-term drift of piezoresistive sensors in implantable medical applications. Since the sensor proposed in this paper uses the capacitance change as the sensing mechanism rather than the piezoresistive effect, it is less sensitive to the temperature-induced shift in the piezoresistive coefficient. The best choice for sensors for implantable medical applications should be small size, high sensitivity, good long-term wire-based stability and a significant reduction in power consumption. These properties are also important for other pressure-sensitive applications - from the car to the civilian industry.