As to cultural shock reflections on multicultural education

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  【Abstract】There is influence about cultural shock on multicultural education. At present some questions come into being. These questions could be resolved with different ways.
  【Key words】cultural shock; multicultural education reflections
  【作者簡介】Huan Wang, China West Normal University.
  1. Influence about cultural shock on multicultural education
  The term culture shock is often used flippantly when talking about cultural differences and how we deal with them. It is often overlooked that it is more than the source of funny anecdotes arising from cultural peculiarities or misunderstandings. In an international society,the exchanges between nation and nation is more and more important,also more and more multifarious. Today education faces enormous challenges.Those students from different countries live in a world that the environment changes rapidly. With the development of internet,students can receive more and more information from world including that of culture.So this situation influence education a lot. And education can make a bid difference in students’ lives. Using the right ways to students’ growing-up is essential.
  2. Questions about multicultural education
  2.1Students’ attention attracted by foreign cultural symbol When facing different cultural,as a student, he couldn’t clearly recognize them and acquire knowledge. For example, if Christmas day is coming , some students exchange apples or buy Christmas trees. Students dressed up as a ghost because celebrating Halloween. But they will not celebrate Chinese festivals like that.This indicates that their attention are more likely attracted buy foreign culture.
  2.2 Unclear values orientation
  Another question about multicultural education is Unclear values orientation. When students like foreign culture, they take in value that culture convey. Western culture emphasize more individualism and Chinese culture emphasize collectivism.This lead a condition that students are more likely care themselves when face a problem that that needs a team to finish it. Students in a school likes to be different between their students.In China Chinese family stress be filial to your parents and respect their brothers.But there is no explicit requirement in western culture.
  3. Reflections about multicultural education facing cultural shock
  3.1 Culture occupy the campus
  Why so many students are likely to celebrate foreign festivals? There are so many foreign cultural elements that can arouse their interest when the foreign festivals is coming. There is no doubt that students always ignore Indigenous culture. The campus should be permeated with cultural elements. For example, so many display board show pearls of wisdom. When different Chinese festivals are coming,elements that convey deep festival meaning should be presented. And classroom or dormitory could be decorated with cultural elements.   3.2 Culture permeates the classroom
  Chinese valuable culture could be inherited powerfully by teachers through class. Students believe in their teachers. So culture spread by the teachers become more and more important. For example,a teacher teaches Chinese and their students could learn so much classic poetry. When a teacher is in a mathematics lesson, he can tell students ZuChongzhi is father of math and analyse this valuable spirit that is on behalf of Chinese culture, that is, spirit of living plainly and working hard.
  3.3 Educate students after class through traditional culture
  Except class Chinese culture could be conveyed through the second class. There are so many cultural activities could be implemented. Students likes to take party in extracurricular activities. They could feel The charm of culture.
  When facing cultural shock, there are three points that should be noticed. Firstly,education need Inclusiveness,that is, different cultures exist in a school at the same time . Secondly, take in others’ strong points that is in their culture. Thirdly,cultivate students’ sense of identity with our own culture and strong sense of social responsibility that the young people take the initiative to spread Chinese excellent culture.
  [1]Ernst Grosse. The Beginnings of Art[M]. America: Palala Press, 2015.
  [2]Ernst Cassirer. An Essay on Man: An Introduction to a Philosophy of Human Culture[M]. America: Yale University Press,1944.
  [3]David Chaney. Lifestyle[M]. London: Routledge,1996.
【 Abstract】The press reading, a fresh teaching way, is introduced into the English class. It not only enriches teaching resources but also broadens channels of English learning and applications. Moreo
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【摘要】英语专业四级考试题型改革后, 阅读简答题对于许多学生来说都是一大难点。本文通过分析简答题的特点和学生在简答题方面存在的问题,提出了简答题的应对方法,以期帮助学生突破这个难关。  【关键词】英语专业四级;阅读简答题;应对方法  英语专四考试题型改革后, 许多学生对阅读简答题束手无策。为了帮助学生突破这个难关,笔者进行了相关研究。本文首先分析了简答题的特点和学生在简答题方面存在的问题,然后针对
【摘要】介词又称前置词,其句法功能主要是将其后的名词“引介”给其前的其他词类。虽是小词,但是不可小觑。本文主要结合科技英语翻译文本,谈谈此文本类型中英译汉时,介词的翻译技巧。  【关键词】科技翻译;介词;技巧  【作者简介】曾柏林,长沙理工大学外国语学院。  引言  科技英语涉及科学技术,而科学技术主要是以客观世界万事万物为研究对象,反映的是事物发展的客观规律,因此在运用英语对之进行描述或论证时,
【摘要】在英语写作教学中,教师需要通过有效的沟通了解学生的具体学情,再结合课堂教学目标和结构进行分层教学的设计,尽可能利用学生喜闻乐见的方式和手段引导学生主动进行英语写作练习。  【关键词】小学英语;写作教学;分层教学  【作者简介】林琴,江苏省苏州市相城区元和小学。  【基金项目】本文系:江苏省教育科学“十三五”规划“教育发展专项”课题《以目标为导向的小学英语写作教学实践和研究》阶段性成果,课题