
来源 :中国水产 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuzhangzhe
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由上海水产大学养殖系黄琪琰副教授等完成的鲤鱼棘头虫病研究成果,继去年获得农业部科技进步二等奖之后,今年又获国家科技进步三等奖。这项具有国内先进水平的科技成果,查明了鲤鱼棘头虫病的病原,在国内首次发现了长棘吻虫属的一个新种,定名为崇明长棘吻虫(新种);弄清了鲤鱼棘头虫病的发病机理,取得的大量数据资料丰富了我国的鱼病学内容;找到了简便有效的防治方法.崇明县新民乡第三水产养殖场的2000多亩鱼池,在1985—1986 The achievements of the research on carp’s spine-head squamous disease made by associate professor Huang Qiyan of the Department of Breeding, Shanghai Fisheries University won the third prize of national science and technology progress this year after winning the second prize of scientific and technological progress of the Ministry of Agriculture last year. The scientific and technological achievements with the domestic advanced level, to identify the pathogen of the carp spines, in the country for the first time found a new species of the genus Sapodnaceae, named Chongming Crataegus (new species); figure out The pathogenesis of Cryptocaryon irritans disease, obtained a large number of data to enrich the content of fish disease in our country, found a simple and effective method of prevention and treatment. Chongming County, Xinmin Township, the third aquaculture farm 2000 mu of fish ponds, 1986
他一定会为我做最好的安排。最好的安排是什么我不知道,但我知道凭借年轻,如果生下儿子,好日子会在前面等着我。 He will do the best for me. What is the best arrangemen
早晨——真所谓“一日之计在于晨”,早上的短期记忆效果比任何时候都要强5%左右。中午——大多数人的警觉性最高,但不久就会衰 In the morning - the so-called “day is in
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