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在我国很少报导的鲤鱼痘疮病(病毒性),1994年至1995年先后在青海省大通、西宁和平安等地区越冬池出现,造成大批量越冬鲤鱼种死亡,造成很大经济损失。 鲤鱼痘疮病是由一种疱疹病毒类群引起一种病毒性鱼病。主要危害一、二龄鲤鱼鱼种。一般流行季节在秋末至初冬或春季,水温在15℃以下易发病。在发病期间同池的鲢、鳙、草和鲫都不感染。 病鱼在发病初期鳍和体表出现乳白色小斑点,覆盖着一层白色粘液,随着病情的发展,白色斑点数量 In our country rarely reported carp pox disease (viral), 1994-1995 successively in Qinghai Province Chase, Xining and peace over areas such as winter pool, resulting in large quantities of overwintering carp species, resulting in great economic losses. Carp pox sore is a viral fish disease caused by a group of herpes viruses. The main harm to one or two age carp fish species. Generally popular season in late fall to early winter or spring, the water temperature below 15 ℃ susceptible to disease. During the onset of the same pool of silver carp, pomfret, grass and crucian carp are not infected. Sick fish in the early stages of appearance of small white spots on the fins and body surface, covered with a layer of white mucus, with the development of the disease, the number of white spots
文章详细地阐述了远洋延绳钓渔船的发展过程,尤其对日本金枪鱼延绳钓渔业的发展做了细致的分析,指出了我国远洋金枪鱼延绳钓渔业的现状、存在的问题及发展对策 This article e
这是高中代数上册一道习题:在△ABC中,求证:tgA+tgB+tgC=tgAtgBtgC成立。不少文章介绍了它应用。本文再列举几例。例1 求证海伦公式 S△ABC=(p(p-a)(p-b)(p-c))~(1/2) 其中,
我们看下面的两个例题: 例1、两电阻R_1、R_2并联,若R_1=630欧,R_2=70欧,求总电阻。解:由1/R=1/R_1+1/R_2得 1/R=1/(630)+1/(70)=1/(63) ∴ R=63(欧) 例2、电阻R_1=200欧,R_
就乌鳢个体生殖力的变动及其与雌亲体若干形态学指标的关系进行了研究,同时还对乌鳢的产卵次数与各批生殖力进行了推估。 The changes of individual fecundity and their re
20 0 2年 5月 ,东风8BJ型交流传动内燃机车 ,在资阳内燃机车厂问世。其主要技术特点如下 :(1)这是我国首台具有自主知识产权的干线交流传动内燃机车 ,采用了株洲电力机车研究所
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