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耿建荣穿着时髦,透出一种老板派头,与初到武汉时的形象比判若两人。耿建荣回忆道:“那个时候穿得可寒酸了,穿的衣服都是带补丁的,还不知道是谁给的呢,膝盖上都打了补丁,屁股后面也打补丁。”1990年,18岁的小耿生平第一次离开县城,只身一人到武汉闯荡。当时她身上只有姐姐给的5块钱。耿建荣在武汉最初给黑作坊打过工,在饭店当过服务员,还在街上摆过地摊,幻想哪一天有成功之日。几年下来,小耿却没有积攒下什么钱。这时,她结识了后 Jian-rong Rong was dressed in a fashionable style and showed a boss style. Compared with when he first arrived in Wuhan, he was judged by two people. Zhai Jianrong recalled: “At that time, the clothes were too shabby and the clothes were worn with patches. I don’t know who gave them. Patches were made on the knees and patches were applied behind the buttocks.”" 1990 The 18-year-old Xiao Bianping left the county for the first time and went to Wuhan alone. At that time, she only had 5 yuan for her sister. Zhai Jianrong initially worked in a black workshop in Wuhan, worked as a waiter in a restaurant, and set up a street stall in the street to imagine the day when there was a success. After a few years, Xiao Xiao did not accumulate any money. At this time, she got acquainted
Idonotknowthecityatalland 1,Icouldnotspeakawordofthelanguage .Af terhavingspentmyfirstdayseeing 2inthetowncentre ,Idecidedtolosemy3de Idonotknowthecityatalland 1, Icouldnotspeakawordofthelanguage .Af terhavingspentmyfirstdayseeing 2inthetowncentre, Ideci
母亲和父亲出煤窑时,看到挤在人群前的我们。父亲用大手紧紧拥住我们,从父亲眼里流出的浑浊的泪水一直滴到母亲肩头。 When the mother and father came out of the coal pi
1 .Ithinkthegirlwasin (危险 ) .Ithinktheboywasin (麻烦 ) .Ithinktheyoungmanwasin (负债 ) .Ithinkthevaluablebookwasin (需求 ) .Ithinkhisroomwasin (整齐 ) . 1. Ithinkthegirlwasin (dangerous) .Ithinktheboywasin (trouble) .Ithinktheyoungmanwasin (debt) .Ithinkthev
英语中有大量意义和用法相近或相似的单词或短语 ,但它们之中也有相异之处。对于同学们来讲 ,掌握它们的同中之“异”尤为重要。为了丰富同学们的语言知识 ,笔者辑录了一些中