
来源 :林业科学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinr0op8
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By taking split plot design,two year old Chinese fir( Cunninghamia lanceolata )clones were tested.Six fertilization treatments and ten clones were used.The results showed that fertilization could effectively promote the growth of Chinese fir clones.The difference among various fertilization treatments was significant.After fertilizing,the height increment and DBH increment increased were 9.66%~28.50% and 18.67%~63.86% higher than that of unfertilized one.The interaction between clone and fertilization was not obvious.The difference of various fertilization treatments on the growth of Chinese fir young plantation was significant.Applying base fertilizer (calcium magnesium phosphate) alone could increase the increments of height and DBH by 13.04%~20.29% and 27.71%~45.78% respectively.Topdressing (urea) could increase the increments of height and DBH by 6.82%~9.66% and 12.40%~18.67% respectively. By taking split plot design, two year old Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) clones were tested .ix fertilization treatments and ten clones were used. The results showed that fertilization could substantially promote the growth of Chinese fir clones. The difference among various fertilization treatments was significant. After fertilization, the height increment and DBH increment increased were 9.66% ~ 28.50% and 18.67% ~ 63.86% higher than that of unfertilized one. The interaction between clone and fertilization was not obvious. the difference of various fertilization treatments on the growth of Chinese fir young plantation was significant. Applying base fertilizer (calcium magnesium phosphate) alone could increase the increments of height and DBH by 13.04% ~ 20.29% and 27.71% ~ 45.78% respectively.Topdressing (urea) could increase the increments of height and DBH by 6.82% ~ 9.66% and 12.40% ~ 18.67% respectively.
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