
来源 :宁夏农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shekitito
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耕作制度是人类栽培农作物所采取的一整套农业技术体系。合理的耕作制度,应以农林牧三结合为前提,以种植制度为中心,以用地和养地相结合为原则,以达到农作物全面持续增产的目的。耕作制度是在一定的自然条件和社会经济条件下形成的,随着这些条件的改变,耕作制度将不断演进,逐步提高,不断完善,但在一定时间和条件下,又具有相对的稳定性。因地制宜地研究和建立科学的耕作制是有效利用本地自然资源及经济优势,不断提高农业生态系统的生产效率、保证稳产高产的战略措施,是今后我区建设现代化农业的重要内容。宁夏引黄灌区在册耕地面积328万亩(实际上约400万亩),人口210.5万,农业人口52.8万,农业劳力45.0万,每个农业人口占有耕地2.2亩,每个劳力负担耕地7.3亩。主要农业土壤是熟化程度较高的灌淤土,土层深厚,肥力条件较好。其次是灰钙土、湖土等。灰钙土主要分布于贺兰山洪积扇边缘的国营农场新垦区,土质沙,肥力低,物理性差。灌区地 Tillage system is a set of agricultural technology system adopted by human cultivation of crops. Reasonable farming system should be based on the combination of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and animal husbandry as the precondition, the planting system as the center, and the combination of land and the principle of rearing in order to achieve a comprehensive and sustainable production of crops. The farming system is formed under certain natural conditions and socio-economic conditions. With these changes in conditions, the farming system will continue to evolve, gradually improve and improve continuously. However, under certain conditions of time and under certain conditions, the farming system will be relatively stable. To study and establish a scientific farming system according to local conditions is a strategic measure to effectively utilize the local natural resources and economic advantages and continuously improve the production efficiency of agricultural ecosystems and ensure a steady and high yield. It is an important part of the construction of modern agriculture in our district in the future. Ningxia Yellow River Irrigation Area book covers an area of ​​328 mu (actually about 400 mu), population 2.105 million, agricultural population 528000, agricultural labor 450000, each agricultural population occupies arable land 2.2 acres, each labor-borne 7.3 acres of arable land. The main agricultural soil is a high degree of maturation irrigated silt soil deep, fertile conditions better. Followed by gray soil, lake soil and so on. Calcareous soil is mainly distributed in the state-owned farms reclamation area at the edge of the Helan Mountain alluvial fan, soil quality, low fertility, poor physical. Irrigation area
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