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近年来,街面上时常可见一些身体虚弱的年轻女子,华丽的服装裹在瘦削的身躯上,名贵的化妆品遮掩不住面色的黄绿灰暗,尤其是裸露的颈脖和手足,青筋暴现,皮肤干粗皱缩得犹如老妇一般。她们是时下不正确的节食减肥束腰引起的绿色贫血患者。由于一些过度夸张的宣传,女孩子们非常害怕发胖,吃饭有意吃得很少,早餐不吃,中午吃一二两主食,晚餐吃些水果、零食和饮料,有人还加服减肥药物。还有的人听说“喝水也会发胖”就连水都不敢多喝。更有些女孩追求体型而成天穿紧身衣裤,并以每月腰围减少几公分的奋斗目标而紧勒腰带。另外还有超量的运动、气功、桑那浴等等,所有能减肥的方法都想试试,希望一觉醒来就变成苗条的美人。须知,当身体消瘦时,不仅是体表的脂肪体积在减少,骨骼肌也会变得瘦弱,体腔内的脂肪也同时减少,膈膜、韧带变得松弛。体腔内脂肪是脏器的衬垫,其体积减小将引起内脏的下垂,尤其是束腰的女子,胃下垂是常有的疾患。正常人的 In recent years, the street often see some frail young women, gorgeous clothing wrapped in thin body, expensive cosmetics can not hide the yellowish green dark complexion, especially the exposed neck and hands and feet, bruises, Wrinkled skin dry like an elderly woman in general. They are nowadays green diets caused by improper diet of green anemia patients. Due to some over-hyped propaganda, girls are very scared of gaining weight. They eat a small amount of food, eat breakfast at noon, eat staple food at noon, eat fruit, snacks and drinks at dinner, and add weight-loss drugs. Some people even heard that “drinking water will get fat,” even the water did not drink much. Some girls are more body size and wearing bodysuits all day, and a few centimeters per month to reduce the waistline tight goal and tight belts. In addition to excessive exercise, qigong, sauna, etc., all the ways to lose weight want to try, I hope to wake up to become a slim beauty. It should be noted that when the body is emaciated, not only the body fat volume decreases but also the skeletal muscle becomes thinner. The body cavity fat also decreases and the diaphragm and ligament become loose. Body cavity fat is the liner of organs, its volume will cause drooping visceral, especially the waist of the woman, stomach ptosis is a common disease. Normal
在面部化妆中,耳朵就像没娘的孩子常常受到冷落,这种现象不能再持续下去了。 In facial make-up, children whose ears are barely naughty are often left out, and this p
重视对耳朵的扮靓,可以使您更具女性魅力,变得美丽而时髦。 Pay attention to the dress on the ear, can make you more feminine, beautiful and stylish.