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中国工农红军的二万五千里长征,是人类历史上求生存谋解放的一部最威武雄壮的英雄史诗。它以特有的魅力,在中国人民心中产生了无穷无尽的精神力量。长征胜利距今已有70年。70年来,相关的图书已出版了很多。人们一般认为,关于长征最早的记录是斯诺的《红星照耀中国》(在中国出版时更名为《西行漫记》)。但实际上,就在斯诺进入陕北苏区采访红军指战员的同时,不少长征亲历者也曾拿起笔撰写回忆文章,这些回忆文章于1937年2月结集成书,并于1942年出版,这就是《红军长征记》——一份关于长征的最早、最真实、最珍贵的记录。 The 25,000-mile Long March of the Red Army of the Chinese Workers and Peasants is the most powerful and heroic heroic epic to liberate human beings in human history. With its unique charm, it has created an endless spiritual power in the hearts of the Chinese people. Long March victory has been 70 years now. 70 years, related books have been published a lot. It is generally believed that the earliest record of the long march was Snow’s “Red Star Shines on China” (renamed as “The Commemoration of the West Bank” in China). In fact, however, while Snow entered the Soviet area of ​​northern Shaanxi to interview the officers and men of the Red Army, quite a few of the Long March witnesses had also taken up the pen to compose reminiscent articles, which were assembled in February 1937 and published in 1942. It is the Long March of the Red Army, the earliest, most authentic and most precious record of the Long March.
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