
来源 :军民两用技术与产品 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:meomeo38
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自我国实行专利制度以来,国家对专利工作,专利法等作了大量宣传。但在不少的厂矿等基层单位里,大多数领导和技术人员的专利知识还是远远不能适应当前技术竞争中的民品开发工作。这里试举我厂几个实例。1、前些年我厂生产低温液体储运设备,在容器绝热腔抽真空后的封口技术上找到了一种先进方法,具有独创性。这种方法是保密的,但后来发现被外地一家工厂掌握了,而这家 Since the implementation of the patent system in China, the state has made a lot of publicity about patent work, patent law, etc. However, in many factories and mines and other grass-roots units, the patent knowledge of most of the leaders and technicians is far from adapting to the current civilian product development in the technological competition. Here are a few examples from our factory. 1. In the previous years, our factory produced cryogenic liquid storage and transportation equipment. We found an advanced method in the sealing technology after the vacuum chamber of the container was evacuated. This method is confidential, but later it was discovered that it was controlled by a factory outside the country.
《世界导弹与航天》编辑部与欧洲航天局赛文出版社(Sevig Press)共同编辑的《欧洲航天指南》一书已于1989年3月出版。全书共486页,胶印大16开本。航空航天部部长林宗棠与欧
在北京市委、市政府、市建委的领导下,北京市城区联合建筑工程总公司,积极为发展城区集体建筑企业服务,1988年为基层办了十件实事。 Under the leadership of the Beijing
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