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通过分析地表水和地下水中氯离子浓度和δD、δ18O值的空间分布特征,揭示了秦皇岛洋戴河平原地下水的形成演化规律.结果发现,洋戴河平原地表河水来源于中上游水库水和大气降水的混合,且河水沿程受到δD、δ18O值、氯离子浓度更低的支流或灌渠水补给,从而使δD、δ18O值、氯离子浓度呈现沿程逐渐降低的现象.山前丘陵区地下水主要接受大气降水的直接补给,洪积扇及山麓地带地下水受到了一定的蒸发作用影响,除了接受丘陵区地下水的侧向补给外,洋河附近地下水还受到洋河水库水的混合.研究区西部咸水带的地下水由上游地下水和大泥河地热咸水混合而成,地热咸水的混合比率约为13%,而东部咸水带的地下水由上游地下水、本地污水和地热咸水混合而成,地热咸水的混合比率不超过9%.在海水入侵区,地下水主要由本区地下淡水和海水(海水混合比率不超过10%)混合而成,并且受到了不同程度的地表水或农田灌溉水的补给,其中,浦河一带是地表水或灌溉水补给较为明显的地段. By analyzing the chloride ion concentration in surface water and groundwater and the spatial distribution characteristics of δD and δ18O values, the formation and evolution of groundwater in the Yangdihe Plain of Qinhuangdao were revealed. The results show that the surface water in Yangde River plain comes from the middle and upper reaches of reservoir water and the atmosphere Precipitation and precipitation, the δD, δ18O value and chloride ion concentration of tributaries or irrigated canal water were replenished along the river course, so δD, δ18O value and chloride ion concentration gradually decreased along the course of the process. The direct recharge to the precipitation, the alluvial fan and the groundwater in the foothill area have been affected by some evaporation. In addition to the lateral recharge of the groundwater in the hilly area, the groundwater near the Yanghe River is also mixed with the Yanghe Reservoir water. The groundwater in the water zone is composed of the upstream groundwater and the Dachaihe geothermal salt water. The mixing ratio of geothermal salt water is about 13%. The groundwater of the eastern salt water belt is formed by the mixture of upstream groundwater, local sewage and geothermal saline water. The mixing ratio of geothermal brackish water is not more than 9%. In the seawater intrusion zone, groundwater is mainly composed of freshwater and seawater in the area underground (seawater mixing ratio does not exceed 10%), Mixed and replenished with surface water or farmland irrigation water of different extents. Among them, the Puhe area is the more obvious surface water or irrigation water recharge.
2002年4月1日~10月31日,共环志林栖迁徙鸟类7目、20科、84种12 244只,环志数量超过100只的鸟有23种.春季性别鉴定16种1 224只,雌雄比例约为1:1.1;秋季鉴定20种1 656只,雌雄比
太白县靖口关北铅锌矿处于北秦岭活动大陆边缘(Ⅰ3)—北秦岭复合岛弧杂岩带(Ⅰ3 4)内。区内构造变形强烈,岩浆活动频繁,断裂构造发育。熊掌沟铅锌矿体受加里东期细粒片麻状黑