Understanding the Reinforcement and Dissipation of Natural Rubber Compounds Filled with Hybrid Fille

来源 :Chinese Journal of Polymer Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yt66896915
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The performance of reinforced rubber compounds depends on the filler composition while the reinforcement and dissipation mechanisms still remain unclear. Herein linear and nonlinear dynamic rheological responses of carbon black/silica hybrid filler filling nature rubber compounds are investigated. The rheological contributions of dynamically retarded bulk phase and filler network are revealed to be crucial at high and low frequencies, respectively, and the bulk phase is shown to be of vital importance for the occurrence of nonlinear Payne effect at mediate frequencies. A framework for simultaneously solving reinforcement and dissipation varying with filler composition and content is suggested, providing a new perspective in understanding the filling effect for manufacturing high-performance rubber materials. The performance of reinforced rubber compounds depends on the filler composition while the reinforcement and dissipation mechanisms still remain unclear. Herein linear and nonlinear dynamic rheological responses of carbon black / silica hybrid filler filling nature rubber compounds are investigated. The rheological contributions of dynamically retarded bulk phase and filler network are revealed to be crucial at high and low frequencies, respectively, and the bulk phase shown as be vital importance for the occurrence of nonlinear Payne effect at mediate frequencies. A framework for simultaneously reducing reinforcement with filler composition and content is suggested, providing a new perspective in understanding the filling effect for manufacturing high-performance rubber materials.
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