LPG 储备站、灌装站改、扩建LPG汽车加气站若干问题

来源 :中国锅炉压力容器安全 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alongalong2008
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国家大力倡导的城市绿色环保LPG汽车的发展,将大大加快和推动LPG汽车加气站的建设。在寸土寸金的城市用地中,采用LPG储备站、灌装站改、扩建LPG汽车加气站是燃气经营企业发展LPG汽车加气站的首选方案之一。由于我国尚未形成液化石油气汽车加气站设计标准及规范,该类加气站的设计、建设中由于经验不足,经常遗留一些问题,影响日后加气站的正常运行。笔者通过此类加气站的建设与运行管理实践,对存在的问题及处理措施加以总结,以对进行此类加气站的建设能起到一定的借鉴。 The development of urban green-friendly LPG vehicles advocated by the state will greatly accelerate and promote the construction of LPG vehicle refueling stations. In the land of large amount of money in the city land, the use of LPG reserve stations, filling stations to change, the expansion of LPG car refueling station is the gas business to develop LPG car refueling station one of the first options. As China has not yet formed LPG design standards and norms, such refueling station design, construction due to lack of experience, often left some problems affecting the normal operation of gas stations in the future. Through the practice of the construction and operation management of such refueling stations, the author summarizes the existing problems and the measures to be taken so as to provide reference for the construction of such refueling stations.
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