周总理题写“传邮万里,国脉所系”赠之 林卓午 与林伯渠共同开辟抗战国共通邮

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林卓午(1889—1957),福安康厝苏坂人,著名爱国邮人,清末毕业于北京邮电学堂,抗战时期为国共通邮工作做出了卓著贡献,周恩来曾题写“传邮万里,国脉所系”赠之,1981年国家邮电部为此发行了纪念邮票。第二次国内革命战争时期,蒋介石下令共产党根据地以内的所有邮局和邮班一律停办,断绝共产党的邮政交通。抗日战争全面爆发后,国共虽然合作抗战,两区依然无法实现通邮。这个被一再搁置着的问题,直到林卓午出现才扭转了局面。 Lin Zhuo-wu (1889-1957), Fu Ankang house Su-shan people, the famous patriotic postman, graduated from the Beijing post and telecommunications school in the late Qing Dynasty, the CPC Anti-Japanese postal work made outstanding contributions to the Communist Party of China, Zhou Enlai once wrote “ The Department ”gift, in 1981 the State Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications issued a commemorative stamp. During the Second Revolutionary Civil War, Chiang Kai-shek ordered all post offices and postal posts within the Communist base area to be closed and the communist postal traffic be severed. After the war of resistance against Japan broke out in an all-round way, although the Kuomintang and the Communist Party jointly cooperate in the war of resistance against Japan, the two regions are still unable to achieve postal correspondence. This was repeatedly shelved until Lin Zhuowu appeared to reverse the situation.
天气热,汁多味甜、清凉爽口的西瓜就成为人们清热解渴的一种时令佳品。但食用时也要注意,不小心就会吃出病来。 Hot weather, juicy sweet, cool and refreshing watermelon