树仕儒商 立已达人 独家专访京润珍珠控股有限公司董事长周树立博士

来源 :声屏世界·广告人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dantezb
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2012年的经济形式下,许多企业在广告投放与品牌建设上缩紧了裤腰带,更加理性、更加谨慎了。纵观2012年逆市上扬的企业中,化妆品行业有一颗明珠璀璨生辉,京润珍珠以恢宏的气势,横扫7家中国主流领先卫视中的明星栏目、剧场,以及最具成长力的视频网站,带动企业在逆市中乘风破浪,在终端网络覆盖及销售提升中均获得100%以上强势增长。面对复杂多变的经济形式,京润珍珠的大胆做法和成功获得了业界的高度赞许,也让我们对京润珍珠的自信和周树立董事长的战略充满好奇,为此,本刊编辑部独家专访了周树立董事长。 In the economic form of 2012, many businesses tightened their belts on advertising and brand building to be more rational and cautious. Looking at the ups and downs of the business in 2012, the cosmetics industry has a bright pearl, Jingrun pearl with magnificent momentum, swept the sweeping star of China’s leading mainstream TV programs, theaters, and the most powerful video site Driven by the ups and downs in the adverse market, the Company achieved over 100% strong growth in terminal network coverage and sales promotion. In the face of complex and ever-changing economic forms, Jingrun Pearl’s bold approach and success won the industry’s highly praised, but also let us Jingrun pearls confidence and strategy of Chairman Zhou Shu full of curiosity, to this end, editorial department Exclusive interview with Chairman Zhou Shuli.
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