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20世纪辽宁史学如同中华民族近百年史 ,发展之路崎岖不平。自清末至“九·一八”事变 ,金毓黻和他的史籍是杰出代表。日伪统治时期实施奴化教育 ,史学研究遭到扼杀。新中国建立后迄 2 0世纪末 ,是辽宁史学快速发展、成绩辉煌的 50年 ,出版史学著作 50 0多部 ,发表论文 40 0 0余篇 ,在清史、史学史、奉系军阀史、甲午战争史、东北军史、军事后勤史、“九·一八”事变史、中国改革史、东北民族史、东北地方史、辽宁考古学及满学研究等方面形成了优势和特色。在新世纪 ,要使辽宁史学持续发展 ,更加繁荣 ,需加强四项建设 :即更新观念、形成团队精神、造就大师、研究手段现代化 The 20th century Liaoning history resembles the Chinese nation nearly a hundred years history, the road of development is bumpy. Since the late Qing Dynasty to the “September 18” Incident, Kim Yuk-won and his historical records are outstanding representatives. The enslavement education was implemented during the reign of Japanese puppet troops and the study of history was strangled. After the founding of new China till the end of the 20th century, Liaoning history has enjoyed rapid development with 50 years of brilliant achievements. More than 50 academic works have been published and more than 40,000 articles have been published. In the history of Qing Dynasty, history of history, warlord history of Fengsien, The history and history of northeast China’s military history, military and logistics history, the September 18 Incident History, the history of China’s reform, the history of Northeast China, northeastern local history, Liaoning archeology and the study of Manchu formed the advantages and characteristics. In the new century, to make Liaoning historiography sustainable development and prosperity, it is necessary to strengthen four constructions: updating concepts, forming teamwork, creating masters and modernizing research methods
广西文化研究起步早但发展缓慢 ,需要从文化战略上思考广西文化研究 ,把区域文化研究作为广西文化研究的支撑点 ,并将环北部湾文化研究和“刘三姐”文化品牌研究两项文化工程
巴蜀文化与四川开发 ,就是要寻求巴蜀文化研究与西部大开发尤其是与四川开发的结合点。这个结合点就是加强学术研究的深度和发挥学术的时代功能的问题。这个选题决定了它要发
Based on his own experiences, the author described the way of Prof. Pei Wenzhong, one of the founders of the prehistoric archaeology of China, gave lectures on
青海省民和县境内现有两方介绍当地冶姓回族先民生平事迹的碑石资料 ,本文就与其整理等方面相关的问题进行了论述。 The two existing parties in Minhe County, Qinghai Pr