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一、公开、公平公正理念《行政许可法》把规范许可程序作为立法的主要宗旨,规定了一系列保障公正、公平的规则和制度,主要有:(一)将公平、公正确定为行政许可的基本原则,规定行政机关对任何许可申请人应一视同仁,凡符合法定条件和标准的,均应平等给予获得行政许可的机会,不能厚此薄彼;(二)对于有数量限制的行政许可,如有两个或两个以上的申请人均符合法定条件和标准,法律要求行政机关根据受理申请的先后顺序予以许可,或者通过招标、拍卖、统一考试等公平竞争的方式确定被许可人;(三)行政机关审查行政许可申请,发现许可事项直接关系第三人重大利益的,应当告知第三人,申请人、利害关系人有权进行陈述和申辩,行政机关应当充分听取申请人、利害关系人的意见。其本质是对公众知情权、参与权和监督权的保护;三公原则是对合法原则的补充,有关规定必须事先公开,对老百姓要一视同仁,不得歧视,防止腐败的发生。 I. Open, fair and just concept The “Administrative Permission Law” takes the normative permitting procedure as the main purpose of legislation and stipulates a series of rules and systems for guaranteeing fairness and fairness. The main ones are as follows: (1) Establishing fairness and fairness as the administrative permission The basic principle stipulates that the executive authorities should treat all licensees equally without discrimination. Where they meet the statutory conditions and standards, they should all be given equal opportunities to obtain administrative permission. They should not be subjected to any discrimination; (2) For administrative licenses with a limited number, if there are two Or two or more applicants meet the statutory conditions and standards, the law requires the executive authorities to accept the application in accordance with the order of permission, or through the tender, auction, uniform examination and other fair competition way to determine the licensee; (c) the administrative authorities to review If an application for administrative license finds that the matters directly related to the major interests of the third party are found to have been directly related to the license, the third party shall be informed that the third party, the applicant and the interested parties have the right to make representations and defense. The administrative organ shall fully listen to the opinions of the applicant and the interested parties. Its essence is to protect the public’s right to information, participation and supervision. The principle of “three principles” is a supplement to the principle of lawfulness. The relevant provisions must be made public in advance and should be treated equally without discrimination and prevented from corruption.
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借鉴中国古代传统文化中人与自然、人与人、身与心的和谐思想之精华,探讨“和美”、“和气”、“和谐”校园建设的问题。 Learning from the essence of the harmonious tho
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