独山子石化总厂乙烯扩建工程项目1998年2月13日通过国家计委审批,正式立项。这在全国5家中型乙烯扩建工程中尚属首次。 为充分挖掘现有装置潜力,提高企业经济效益,消除瓶颈制约,国家计委同意独石化乙烯在原有装置基础上进行改扩建,使乙烯装置年生产能力由14万t扩大到20万t,聚乙烯装置
The Dushanzi Petrochemical Plant ethylene expansion project was approved by the State Planning Commission on February 13, 1998 and was officially approved. This is the first time in five medium-sized ethylene expansion projects across the country. In order to fully tap the potential of existing plants, increase the economic efficiency of enterprises, and eliminate bottlenecks, the State Development Planning Commission agreed that PetroChina’s ethylene plant would be rebuilt and expanded on the basis of the original plant, so that the annual production capacity of ethylene plant could be expanded from 140,000 to 200,000 tons. Ethylene plant