Calphostin C抑制脂肪分化相关蛋白诱导的ACAT1表达

来源 :中国动脉硬化杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wudouyuan
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目的我们已经发现adipophilin通过改变乙酰辅酶A∶胆固醇酰基转移酶1(ACAT1)的表达来促进细胞内脂质蓄积,病理状态下形成泡沫细胞,成为动脉粥样硬化的始动因素。本研究旨在探讨该过程所涉及的信号通路,阐明adipophilin引起细胞内脂质积聚的机制。方法通过克隆adipophilin基因,构建逆转录病毒载体pQCXIP-HA-Adi,使用siRNA技术构建pSuper-retro-adipophilin siRNA逆转录病毒载体,包装病毒后,感染RAW264.7细胞,筛选后获得高或低表达adipophilin的细胞。将该细胞分别与300 nmol/L PKC抑制剂Calphostin C孵育16 h或同时再加入50 mg/L氧化型低密度脂蛋白(ox-LDL)共孵育,应用RT-PCR和Western blot检测细胞内ACAT1的表达。当低表达adipophilin的细胞与Calphostin C共孵育时,在不同的时间点取样,RT-PCR和Westernblot检测各时间点细胞内ACAT1的表达。结果高表达adipophilin细胞中ACAT1表达增加,低表达adipophilin细胞中ACAT1表达减少。无论在高或低表达adipophilin的细胞中,Calphostin C能够抑制ACAT1的表达,与不孵育Calphostin C组相比差别有显著性。与ox-LDL孵育使高表达adipophilin的细胞荷脂,同样能够发现Calphostin C抑制ACAT1的表达。低表达adipophilin的细胞与Calphostin C共孵育1 h后,ACAT1 mRNA开始下降;孵育8 h后,ACAT1蛋白开始下降;孵育16 h后ACAT1 mRNA及蛋白表达均明显下降,与对照组相比差别有显著性。高及低表达adipophilin或负荷脂质状态下,Calphostin C能够时间依赖性的抑制ACAT1的表达。结论 adipophilin引起细胞内脂质积聚的机制可能是,PKC信号分子作用于adipophilin,并进一步影响ACAT1的表达,最终导致细胞内脂质积聚。 Objectives We have found that adipophilin promotes intracellular lipid accumulation by altering the expression of acetyl-CoA: cholesterol acyltransferase 1 (ACAT1), forming foam cells under pathological conditions and becoming the initiating factor of atherosclerosis. The purpose of this study was to investigate the signaling pathways involved in this process and to elucidate the mechanism by which adipophilin causes lipid accumulation in cells. Methods The recombinant retroviral vector pQCXIP-HA-Adi was constructed by cloning the adipophilin gene. The pSuper-retro-adipophilin siRNA retroviral vector was constructed by siRNA technique. After packaging the virus, RAW264.7 cells were infected and screened for high or low expression of adipophilin Cell. The cells were incubated with 300 nmol / L PKC inhibitor Calphostin C for 16 h or 50 mg / L ox-LDL respectively. RT-PCR and Western blot were used to detect the expression of ACAT1 expression. When adipophilin-deficient cells were co-incubated with Calphostin C, samples were taken at different time points and RT-PCR and Western blot were used to detect intracellular ACAT1 expression at each time point. Results The expression of ACAT1 in adipophilin cells was increased, and the expression of ACAT1 in adipophilin cells with low expression was decreased. Calphostin C inhibited the expression of ACAT1 in both high and low adipophilin-expressing cells, which was significantly different from that of non-incubated Calphostin C group. Incubation with ox-LDL by lipofectin-overexpressing cells also showed that Calphostin C inhibited ACAT1 expression. ACAT1 mRNA began to decline after co-incubated with Calphostin C for 1 h in adipophilin-deprived cells. The ACAT1 protein began to decline after 8 h of incubation. The mRNA and protein expression of ACAT1 decreased significantly after 16 h of incubation, which was significantly different from that of control group Sex. Calphostin C inhibited the expression of ACAT1 in a time-dependent manner under high and low expression of adipophilin or lipid-loaded state. Conclusions The mechanism by which adipophilin induces intracellular lipid accumulation may be that PKC signaling acts on adipophilin and further influences the expression of ACAT1, eventually leading to intracellular lipid accumulation.
目的 调查与分析云南省梁河县鼠疫疫源地室内鼠密度和蚤指数,评估鼠疫发生的潜在危险.方法 根据历史鼠疫监测资料,2007年8-9月在云南省梁河县选择30个鼠疫疫源村,对每个村的全部住户进行编号后,随机抽取20户,放置鼠笼和粘蚤纸用于捕获鼠和蚤,计算鼠密度、染蚤率、蚤指数、中位数.结果 黄胸鼠和臭鼷鼱分别捕获133和33只,平均每村捕鼠5只,平均鼠密度为2.8%(166/6000).染蚤鼠101只,染
目的 探讨氟对体外培养人成骨细胞中TM9SF1、Ras mRNA表达的影响.方法 采用原代细胞培养的方法培养人成骨细胞.取早期引产胎儿的骨组织,胶原酶消化、分离成骨细胞,加入DMEM培养液进行传代培养.将传代后的人成骨细胞按染氟剂量不同分为0(对照)、2.5、5.0、10.0、20.0 mg/L组.染氟培养10 d后,光镜下观察氟对人成骨细胞形态的影响:实时定量(RT)PCR法检测不同染氟剂量对体
目的 了解与掌握吉林省地方性氟中毒病情变化,为调整防治对策提供科学依据.方法 1991-2006年在吉林省乾安县选择改水时间不同的7个屯作为监测点.每年检测全部8~12岁儿童氟斑牙(Dean法)、尿氟(氟离子选择电极法),每3年临床调查全部16岁以上人群氟骨症,每5年拍摄其骨盆、前臂、小腿骨关节X线片.结果 改水较好的监测点监测结束后氟斑牙检出率比监测开始时明显下降(位字屯由11.3%降至2.2%
目的 了解甘肃省临夏回族自治州(简称临夏州)碘缺乏病重点人群碘营养状况.方法 在甘肃省临夏州8县(市)选择育龄妇女、孕妇、哺乳期妇女、0~3岁婴幼儿为调查对象,采集尿样,用WS/T 107-1999过硫酸铵砷铈催化分光光度法检测含碘量;采集居民户食用盐样品,用GB/T 13025.7-1999直接滴定法检测含碘量;按照<0~6岁小儿五项神经心理发育测量检查表>,测试0~3岁婴幼儿的发育商,测量婴幼
目的 探讨茶多酚对饮茶型氟中毒大鼠关节软骨的氧化应激损伤的保护作用.方法 120只雄性Wistar大鼠按体质量随机分为6组:对照组、加氟组、氟+茶多酚组、氟+铝组、氟+铝+茶多酚组和砖茶组.加氟组每日饮用含氟(F-)100.00 mg/L的氟化钠(NaF)水溶液;氟+茶多酚组每日饮用含F-100 mg/L、茶多酚10.0 g/L的水溶液;氟+铝组每日饮用含F-100.00 mg/L、铝(Al3+)