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棉酚是一种新型的男性节育药,我国自1972年开始临床试用,每日口服20毫克连续两个月左右,精液常规即可达到节育标准,有效率为98.89%。由于棉酚作为男性节育药需要长期连续服用,在长期用药过程中,棉酚对机体可能产生什么不良反应,是值得注意的问题。棉酚对动物肝脏的影响报告不一,有报告小白鼠以棉酚60mg/kg 灌胃30天后,肝脏切片未见病理变化,以30mg/kg 灌胃14天后对血清谷丙转氨酶、磺溴酞钠排泄亦无明显影响。有报告大白鼠以棉酚15mg/kg 灌胃8—10周或20mg/kg 灌胃9个月或30mg/kg 灌胃14天后肝脏切片都未见异常。从这些资料看,似乎棉酚对肝脏没有什么不良影响。但也有报告30mg/kg 的棉酚给小白鼠灌胃14天后可明显延长其戊巴比妥钠睡眠时间,大白鼠30mg/kg灌胃41天后可见肝脏充血,切片见肝细胞胀大,脂肪变性等。临床应用于男性节育也有谷丙转氨酶一时性升高的报道。为确定棉酚对肝脏功能的影响,给临床应用提供毒副 Gossypol is a new type of male birth control medicine. Since 1972, clinical trial started in our country. Oral administration of 20 mg per day for about two months continuously, the sperm routine can reach the birth control standard with an effective rate of 98.89%. As gossypol as a male birth control drug need long-term continuous use, long-term medication in the process, gossypol on the body may produce any adverse reactions, is a noteworthy issue. Gossypol had different effects on the liver of the animals. It was reported that after the mice were gavaged with gossypol 60mg / kg for 30 days, there was no pathological change in the liver slices. Serum alanine aminotransferase, Sodium excretion also had no significant effect. There are reports of rats with gossypol 15mg / kg gavage 8-10 weeks or 20mg / kg gavage 9 months or 30mg / kg gavage 14 days after the liver sections were normal. From these data, it seems that gossypol has no adverse effect on the liver. But there are also reports of 30mg / kg of gossypol to mice after 14 days of gavage can significantly prolong their pentobarbital sodium sleep time, rats fed with 30mg / kg 41 days after the liver hyperemia, see liver cell swollen section, fatty degeneration Wait. Clinically applied to male birth control also has a transient increase in alanine aminotransferase reported. To determine the effect of gossypol on liver function, to provide toxicology for clinical applications
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