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心理学里的角色互换游戏,常常被用来促进沟通和增强理解。在角色交换的过程中,让双方设身处地体会对方的感受,从而更好地增进理解。2.角色互换:父母从孩子的角度去分析、体验孩子的心理状态;孩子从父母的角度去体会父母的感受。在进行角色互换时,角色体验的重点是站在对方的角度去思考问题。例如,父母要认真感受孩子平时为什么不想听大人的教导,尤其是在面对父母的诸多要求时,1.问题确定:角色互换一般在父母与孩子共同解决问题或亲子关系出现问题时使用。首先确定问题,即问题是什么。 Role-playing games in psychology are often used to promote communication and enhance understanding. In the role of exchange of the process, let the two sides put themselves in the experience of each other’s feelings, so as to better enhance understanding. 2. Role exchange: Parents from the perspective of children to analyze and experience the child’s psychological state; children from the perspective of parents to experience the feelings of their parents. In the role of exchange, the role of the focus of experience is to stand on each other’s point of view to think about the issue. For example, parents should seriously feel why children usually do not want to listen to adults, especially in the face of many parents’ requirements. 1. Problem Determination: Role-changing is usually used when parents and children jointly solve problems or have problems with their children. First determine the problem, that is, what is the problem.
通过对散料在溜槽中的运动分析,确定它的流动规律,并利用计算机手段实现溜槽几何尺寸的合理选择。 By analyzing the movement of bulk material in the chute, the flow ru
The semidwarf gene sd-g which has been used in indica rice breeding in southern China is a new one, non-allelic to sd-1. To map sd-g, an F2 population derived f
提出了基于广域测量系统(wide area measurement system,WAMS)的暂态不稳定性预测与紧急控制系统的实现框架结构、控制主/子站的软件流程和基本功能,给出了WAMS用于构建全局