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世界体坛上“皇帝轮流坐”的现象并不罕见,在女子长跑界尤为突出。八十年代前半期,挪威名将克里斯蒂安森取代了长跑女皇韦茨的地位,随心所欲地在五千,一万米马拉松等项目中更改着历史。在她与时钟的孤独竞争的后面,所有其他参赛者均在她投下的浓重阴影中黯然无光地踽踽蠕动。然而,当历史演进到一九八七年,一名其貌不扬,瘦小严肃的葡萄牙女人却石破天惊地在罗马世界田径锦标赛上摘取了马拉松桂冠。她就是被冠之为“袖珍长跑女皇”莫塔,她那缺乏女性魅力的面容以及她瘦削矮小的身材,使人们无法欣然接受她高举鲜花,荣膺金牌的事实。新闻界干巴巴地报道了这位二十九岁,身高一米五七的姑娘的夺魁经过,除了在一千万人口的葡萄牙掀起了一阵狂欢外,观众们没有冲动的反应,只是看着她那矮小的身材不可置信地发愣。莫塔的确是太不引人注目,而胜利后又太经不起众人的注目。和前几位长跑女皇比,她缺少韦茨的气质,比不上克里斯蒂安森的才气和母亲选手的丰富经历,和洛杉矶奥运会美国冠军贝诺瓦相比,更缺少女选手的魅力及美貌。 It is not uncommon for the emperor to take turns taking turns in the world sports field, especially in the area of ​​women’s long-distance running. In the first half of the 1980s, Norwegian star Christianson replaced Queen Weitz, the long-distance runner, and changed his mind from 5,000 to 10,000 marathons. Behind her lone competition against the clock, all the other contestants somberly perverted in the heavy shadow of her cast. However, as the history evolved into 1987, an unimpressive and skinny Portuguese woman took the surprising move to take the marathon title at the Rome World Athletics Championships. She is known as “Pocket Queen” motta, her lack of feminine face and her slim short stature, so that people can not readily accept her holding flowers, winning the gold medal. The press dryly reported that the 29-year-old girl of one meter tall and 57 meters had won the first prize. Apart from a spree of carnival in Portugal with a population of 10 million, the audience did not react impulsively but just looked at her The little figure stared incredulously. Motta is indeed too unobtrusive, but after the victory can not stand the attention of everyone. Compared with the former couple Queen runners, she lacks Weitz’s temperament, less than Christianson’s talent and mother’s rich experience, and Los Angeles Olympic Games champion Benoit United States, the lack of charm and beauty of female athletes.
<正> 绍剧界以演猴戏著称的六龄童,从六岁开始学艺,练筋锤骨,已经历了五十年的舞台生涯。一九六一年,他所主演的《孙悟空三打白骨精》彩色神话戏曲片在全国放映以后,六龄童名
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