既要严打整治 又需长效机制——北京社会治安形势在好转

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今年开展“严打”整治斗争以来,公安机关开辟的打击刑事犯罪、打击经济犯罪、治安整治三个主战场捷报频传。4月1日至9月30日,全市共破获各类刑事案件27951起,抓获各类犯罪嫌疑人21310名;打掉各类犯罪团伙1685个,其中带有黑恶势力性质的犯罪集团24个;抓获负案在逃犯1107名,其中督捕逃犯126名。检、法、司等各机关也突出重点,稳、准、狠地打击违法犯罪分子,开展坦白检举政治攻势。深挖余罪。公诉和审判案件同比上升近30%。截至9月底,全市刑事案件发案率下降5个百分点,破案数同比提高59.1个百分点。全市77处治安重点地区与去年同期相比,刑事发案下降了61%,治安案件减少了46%,治安状况得到了明显改善。今年 Since launching the “strike hard” rectification campaign this year, the three main battlefields of cracking down criminal crimes, cracking down on economic crimes and public order rectification set by the public security organs have been reported with great success. April 1 to September 30, the city cracked a total of 27,951 cases of various types of criminal cases, arrested 21,010 suspects of various types; knocked down all types of criminal gangs 1685, of which 24 criminal groups with evil forces ; Arrested 1107 fugitives in negative charges, including 126 supervisors and fugitives. Various organs such as prosecutors, law and divisions also gave prominence to the key points and steadily, accurately and ruthlessly cracked down on criminals and carried out frank reporting of political offenses. Dig deep more than crime. Prosecution and trial cases rose nearly 30%. As of the end of September, the crime rate of criminal cases in the city dropped by 5 percentage points and the number of criminal cases increased by 59.1 percentage points as compared with that of the same period of last year. Compared with the same period of last year, the number of public security in key areas in 77 cities dropped by 61%, the number of public security cases decreased by 46%, and the public security situation has been significantly improved. this year
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