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根据教育部的部署,2007年秋季,北京、湖南、黑龙江、吉林和陕西将第四批进入普通高中新课程实验阶段,2010年以前高中新课程将在全国全面推开。1月19日,北京普通高中课程改革启动暨培训会拉开首都实质性进入高中课程改革的序幕。在启动大会上,公布了《北京市普通高中课程改革实验工作方案(试行)》及《北京市实施教育部<普通高中课程方案(实验)>的课程安排指导意见(试行)》两个推进高中新课程的文件。方案的颁布,意味着从2007年秋季开始,北京的普通高中从课程体系设置、学校管理、考试评价升学制度、教师行为、学生学习行为等各方面都将发生实质性的系统变革。 According to the deployment of the Ministry of Education, in the fall of 2007, Beijing, Hunan, Heilongjiang, Jilin and Shaanxi will enter the fourth batch of ordinary high school new curriculum experimental stage. Before 2010, the new high school curriculum will be fully promoted throughout the country. On January 19th, the Beijing General High School Curriculum Reform Startup and Training Conference opened the capital’s substantive entry into the high school curriculum reform prelude. At the start-up conference, the “Beijing Ordinary High School Curriculum Reform Experimental Work Program (Trial)” and “Beijing Implementation of the Ministry of Education Curriculum Arrangement Guidance Opinions (Trial)” were announced. New curriculum document. The promulgation of the plan means that from the fall of 2007, Beijing’s regular high schools will undergo substantial systemic changes in terms of curriculum system setting, school management, examination evaluation system, teacher behavior, and student learning behavior.
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