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为了满足山区农家种植杂交稻的需要,我们设计了一座一次能育50公斤稻种的简易无土育秧温室,能很好地解决山区友家育杂交稻秧的问题,受到当地农家的欢迎,特介绍如下:一、无土育秧温室的建造温室应建在通风透光、地势平坦、阳光充足、近水源、无畜禽和鼠害、管理方便的地方。一个一次能育50公斤稻种的温室,长约3.7米,高2.7米,宽也为2.7米,四角立四根砖柱或木柱,相互间搭上木条,覆盖塑料薄膜即成温室框架。温室中央留0.7米宽的人行道以便喷水等操作。两边各做一个长3.7米、宽1米、高2.7米的秧架,秧架用木条制成。第一层离地面45厘米,其余各层相距25—30厘米即可。在人行道的一端,修建一地灶,其灶口大小以能放下直径为60厘米的深桶铁锅为宜,并用砖砌一烟囱,高3—3.5米,将烟排出室外,严防烟进温室污染秧苗。 In order to meet the needs of farmers in mountainous areas to grow hybrid rice, we designed a simple soilless seedling greenhouse that can fertilize 50 kilograms of rice at a time. It is a good way to solve the problem of hybrid rice seedlings in mountainous areas and is welcomed by local farmers. Introduced as follows: First, the construction of soilless seedling greenhouse greenhouse should be built in the ventilation and light, flat, sunny, near water, no livestock and rodents, easy management. A greenhouse capable of fertilizing 50 kilograms of rice at a time is about 3.7 meters long, 2.7 meters high and 2.7 meters wide. Four wooden columns or wooden columns are set up at each corner to catch wooden strips and cover the plastic film into a greenhouse frame . 0.7-meter-wide sidewalk in the center of the greenhouse for watering and other operations. On each side to make a 3.7 meters long, 1 meter wide and 2.7 meters high seedlings, seedlings made of wood. The first layer 45 cm from the ground, the remaining layers can be 25-30 cm apart. In the side of the sidewalk, build a stove, the size of its kitchen stove to put down the diameter of 60 cm deep wok appropriate, and a brick chimney, 3-3.5 meters high, the smoke out of the room, to prevent smoke into the greenhouse Pollution seedlings.
大蒜这一神奇而古老的药食两用珍品,被称作“健康保护神”。世界上首家大蒜研究所——德国大蒜研究所负责人哥特林博士介绍说,大蒜含有400多种有益身体健康的物质,如果人想活到90岁,大蒜应该是食物的基本组成部分。  大蒜之所以能有这么出色的功效,是因为它含有蒜氨酸和蒜酶这两种有效物质。需要提醒广大读者的是,大蒜只有被碾碎,这两种物质才会互相接触形成一种没有颜色的油滑液体——大蒜素。大蒜素有很强的杀菌作用
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失眠、植物中毒、长疱疹等许多类似影响健康的问题,用以下验方可以帮助你解决,不用请医吃药。 1.要减轻口疮造成的痛苦,就请用2盎司水和1/4到1/2茶匙的小苏打混合成的溶液冲