Maximum Data Collection Rate in Rechargeable Wireless Sensor Networks with Multiple Sinks

来源 :中国通信 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yinfeiyangfang
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In rechargeable wireless sensor networks, a sensor cannot be always benefi cial to conserve energy when a network can harvest excessive energy from the environment due to its energy replenished continually and limited energy storage capacity. Therefore, surplus energy of a node can be utilized for strengthening packet delivery efficiency and improving data collection rate. In this work, we propose an algorithm to compute an upper data generation rate that maximizes it as an optimization problem for a network with multiple sinks, which is formulated as a linear programming problem. Subsequently, a dual problem by introducing Lagrange multipliers is constructed, and subgradient algorithms are used to solve it in a distributed manner. The resulting algorithms are guaranteed to converge to an optimal data generation rate, which are illustrated by an example in which an optimum data generation rate is computed for a network of randomly distributed nodes. Through extensive simulation and experiments, we demonstrate our algorithm is efficient to maximize data collection rate in rechargeable wireless sensor networks. In rechargeable wireless sensor networks, a sensor can not be always benefi cial to conserve energy when the network can harvest excessive energy from the environment due to its energy replenished continually and limited energy storage capacity. packet delivery efficiency and improving data collection rate. In this work, we propose an algorithm to compute an upper data generation rate that maximizes it as an optimization problem for a network with multiple sinks. dual problem by introducing Lagrange multipliers is constructed, and subgradient algorithms are used to solve it in a distributed manner. The resulting algorithms are guaranteed to converge to an optimal data generation rate, which are illustrated in an example where which an optimum data generation rate is computed for a network of randomly distributed nodes. Through extensive simulation and exp eriments, we demonstrated our algorithm is efficient to maximize data collection rate in rechargeable wireless sensor networks.
[摘要]济南同仁对广电双向网络改造进行了分析和思考,结合自身网络,提出了自己的网络双向改造方案,对广电行业具有一定的参考价值。  [关键词]双向网络改造 整体整转 有线电视网    在进行双向网络改造前,济南广电还没有进行数字电视整体转换,业务模式主要包括模拟电视、数字标清单向业务、数据业务等。网络主前端建有模数混传信号1550传输平台和数字信号1550传输平台,其中,一级光网采用1550发射机传
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书法家林时九  林时九,别署洞庭西人,1934年生,湖南宁乡人。曾任湘西自治州博物馆馆长、文物工作队队长,副研究员,湘西州书法家协会主席、省书法家协会理事。现为中国书法家协会会员、湘西自治州书法家协会顾问。先生长期从事文物考古工作,勤于铜器铭文、殷墟文字和中国书画研究。1973年参加长江三峡考古发掘,1984年作为湖南省唯一代表参加国际殷墟笔会,1988年担任龙年国际书赛评委。作品曾应邀在美国、日
The chemical structure of heavy oil fractions obtained by liquid-solid adsorption chromatography was characterized by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray di
误区一:抑郁症纯粹是心理疾患,只会出现心理障碍。抑郁症从根本上说确实是心理病,但绝对不是纯粹的心理疾患。抑郁或悲伤心理只是其中的症状,患者同时还可能经历更多的实实在在的身体症状的折磨,包括:不同程度的失眠、疼痛、便秘、食欲不振、心血管功能紊乱、性欲及功能性减退等等。    误区二:抑郁症既然是心病,那么治疗自然主要是靠休息、散心或心理疗法,而不一定需要药物。当情绪持续低落时,自然会归咎于下岗、失恋