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吐鲁番地区是闻名中外、最早开放的地区之一,名胜古迹较多,是一个旅游地区,外事侨务工作具有地缘和区位优势。近年来,吐鲁番地区各级外事侨务部门,在围绕为国家总体外交大局、地方经济发展和社会稳定服务,促进对外开放方面充分发挥了参谋、管理、协调、服务等四项职能,取得了较好成绩。吐鲁番地区的侨务工作也基本实现了三个转变,即:由落实政策为主向为经济建设服务为主转变;由做国内工作为主向以国内工作为基础,全面开展侨务工作转变;由侨务部门自己做侨务工作向以侨务部门为主、依靠社会力量共同做侨务工作转变。这三个转变为全地区侨务工作的拓展奠定了一个良好的基础。但面对当前新的形势,地县侨务部门应该怎样学习实践科学发展观?工作应该怎样进一步向更高的层次拓展?是我们当前必须面对的新课题。 Turpan region is famous for both at home and abroad, one of the earliest open areas, many historical sites, is a tourist area, foreign affairs work with geographical and geographical advantages. In recent years, the departments of overseas affairs in Turpan Prefecture have given full play to their four functions of staff officers, management, coordination and service around the overall national diplomatic affairs, local economic development and social stability, and the promotion of opening to the outside world. Score. The work on overseas Chinese affairs in Turpan region has basically achieved three changes: from the implementation of policies mainly to the transformation of service-oriented economic construction; from domestic work to domestic work as the basis for the full implementation of the overseas Chinese affairs shift; from overseas Chinese affairs The departments that conduct overseas Chinese affairs work mainly rely mainly on the overseas Chinese affairs departments and rely on social forces to jointly change their overseas Chinese affairs. These three transitions have laid a good foundation for the expansion of overseas Chinese affairs in the entire region. However, in the face of the current new situation, how should the overseas Chinese department of county and county study and practice the scientific concept of development? How should work be further expanded to a higher level? It is a new issue that we must face now.
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