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《现代评论》于民国十三年(即一九二四年)夏在北京创刊.它的编辑人有陈西滢、王世杰、周鲠生、杨端六、皮宗石、杨振声.他们大多是北京大学教授.陈西滢(1896—1970),字伯通,笔名西滢,江苏无锡人.先后就读于上海文明小学,南洋公学(交通大学)附属小学,1917年,受表舅吴敬恒(雅晖)鼓励,赴英深造,入爱丁堡大学、伦敦大学攻读政治经济学,获博士学位,后受蔡元培之邀,任教于北大.王世杰;字雪航,湖北人,辛亥革命时任都督府秘书,后由稽查局资送英国留学,入伦敦大学,后转到巴黎大学,得博士学位,回国后任教北大,讲授比较宪法.这些留学生在段祺瑞驱逐曹琨之后,庸感国内无公正有力之言论,联合办刊.据陈西滢自己说:“当时正值孙(中山)段(祺瑞)合作时期,汪精卫主张在北方办一个刊物,由段拿出一千银元开办费.”结果,陈西滢最终没有接这笔项.从中也可体出出《现代评论》在初创阶段那种“精神是独立的,不在附合”的宗旨.《现代评论》内容复杂,据刊载在此刊创刊号的启事,内有政治、经济、法律、文艺、哲学、教育、科学各种文字,由此可见,《现代评论》主要不是一种文学期刊.按栏目安排顺序上,先是“时事短评”,后是政治学论文,再后才是文学创作和评论. The Modern Review was first published in Beijing in the thirteenth year of the Republic of China (ie, 1924) and its editors include Chen Xiying, Wang Shijie, Zhou Yansheng, Yang Duanli, Pi Zongshi and Yang Zhen Sheng, most of whom are professors from Peking University (1896-1970), the word Betong, the pen name Xiying, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province .Has been studying in Shanghai Civilization Primary School, Nanyang Public School (Jiao Tong University) attached elementary school, 1917, encouraged by the table uncle Wu Jingheng (Ya Hui) Studied in University of Edinburgh, University of London for political economics, received a doctorate, was invited by Cai Yuanpei, taught at Peking University. Wang Shijie; word snow flight, Hubei, Xinhai Revolution when he was governor secretary, by the inspection bureau After studying in London, he went to London University and got a Ph.D. degree from Paris University. After returning to China, he taught Peking University and taught more constitutions. After these students were expelled Cao Kun, these students felt that there was no fair and forceful speech in the country and they were jointly run. According to Chen Xiying himself, “At the time of the cooperation of Sun (Zhongshan) (Qi Rui), Wang Ching-wei advocated a publication in the north and a fee of 1,000 silver dollars was set aside by the section.” As a result, Chen Xi-ying ultimately did not accept this item. From which also can be out of “ On behalf of the commentary, ”in the initial stage of the kind of“ spirit is independent, not in line. ”“ Modern Review ”content is complex, according to published in this issue of the first issue of the notice, there are political, economic, legal, literature and art, philosophy, education , All kinds of scientific texts, we can see that “modern commentary” is not mainly a literary periodical.According to the column arrangement order, first “brief commentaries on current events”, then the political papers, and then the literary creation and commentary.
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