Enhancement of students' learning with mobile devices: Taking librarian-faculty collaboration i

来源 :Chinese Journal of Library and Information Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snower2010
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Purpose: This paper presents an innovative program of Shanghai Jiao Tong University Library which aims to help engineering students to make use of mobile devices to improve their learning efficiency.Design/methodology/approach: Information literacy training and course learning resources were integrated into students’ learning process. Surveys on students’ learning with the touch pads were conducted to help evaluate the program’s effectiveness.Findings: Our practice showed that collaboration of library staff with faculty members is an effective way to integrate information literacy education and course-specific library resources into students’ learning with mobile devices, which has greatly improved the efficiency of students’ learning.Research limitations: First, our literacy training still focused on the use of mobile devices in information access, but not on how to evaluate and manage their information resources with mobile devices. Second, subject librarians need to shift their role from information service providers into information resource instructors while developing the partnership with faculty members and teaching assistants.Practical implications: This paper provides a new insight into the way of how to enhance learning efficiency of university students with such new technical devices as smartphones and touch pads conveniently.Originality/value: Our practice can be used as a valuable guide for libraries that plan to leverage mobile technologies to enhance students’ learning efficiency. Purpose: This paper presents an innovative program of Shanghai Jiao Tong University Library aims aims to help engineering students to make use of mobile devices to improve their learning efficiency. Design / methodology / appach: Information literacy training and course learning resources were integrated into students’ learning process. Surveys on students’ learning with the touch pads were conducted to help evaluate the program’s effectiveness. Findings: Our practice showed that collaboration of library staff with faculty members is an effective way to integrate information literacy education and course-specific library resources into students ’learning with mobile devices, which has greatly improved the efficiency of students’ learning.Research limitations: First, our literacy training still focused on the use of mobile devices in information access, but not on how to evaluate and manage their information resources with mobile devices. Second, subject librarians need to shift their role from information service providers into information resource instructors while developing the partnership with faculty members and teaching assistants. Practical implications: This paper provides a new insight into the way of how to enhance learning efficiency of university students with such new technical devices as smartphones and touch pads conveniently.Originality / value: Our practice can be used as a valuable guide for libraries that plan to leverage mobile technologies to enhance students’ learning efficiency.
本文详细讨论了玲珑金矿田主要工业矿脉中的矿体在空间展布上的规律性,即等间距分布 规律、分段富集规律、矿体及矿体富集带的侧伏规律、对应产出规律、成矿界面向主构造倾斜
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9月16日12时,“京和号”丝路玉都之旅专列首发仪式在北京西站举行。首发仪式由中铁旅总经理杜宪忠主持,市旅游委主任宋宇、市援疆和田指挥部副指挥支现伟出席首发仪式并分别致辞。国家旅游局规划财务司副司长张树民、北京市支援合作办副主任梁义、市旅游委委员邹伟南、北京铁路局副局长闫国铭、和田地区旅游局局长刘大兵等部门及单位负责人参加了首发仪式。  宋宇在致辞中首先对国家旅游局、新疆自治区旅游局、甘肃省旅游局