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虽然并没有透露具体时间,但联想集团服务器事业部总经理梁军肯定地表示在不久的将来,一系列标有联想—日立的联合品牌的存储产品将出现在中国的用户面前。在梁军说这席话的同时,日立数据系统(HDS)亚太及拉美区高级渠道总监Martin的脸上洋溢着职业的笑容。以上这一幕发生在5月26 Although did not disclose the specific time, but Liang Jun, general manager of the Lenovo Group’s server business, said in the near future, a series of Lenovo-Hitachi co-branded storage products will appear in front of China’s users. At the same time, Liang Jun said that at the same time, Hitachi Data Systems (HDS) senior director of Asia Pacific and Latin America, Martin’s face filled with a professional smile. This happened on May 26
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妈妈想让爸爸陪她一起去购物。怎奈爸爸说啥也不肯,妈妈让鱼乐儿出个主意让爸爸干又费劲又费时的活。鱼乐儿打开手里正看着的 Mom wants my dad to go shopping with her. N
L is one of famous mobile phone producer. When mobile phone sales were hot in 2002, every staff in this company got very big bonus. But after 2003, with more an
纽约艺术批评家Archey Karen和Johnson Paddy撰文的“33 Outstanding Artists Emerging After 1999”(Art Fag City,April 29,2009)中盘点新世纪以来的杰出当代艺术家,Sarah
浙江省上虞市沥东小学少先队大队,组织开展了第八届校园文化艺术节。瞧,全校师生和家长朋友们欢聚一堂,少先队员们表演了舞蹈、声乐、音乐剧、环 Zhejiang Province Shangdo
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枕着阳光入睡如果用一个神奇的容器,白天把阳光收集起来,晚上在柔和的阳光中入睡,多棒啊!拥有一个可爱的阳光罐子,你就能实现这个美好的梦想。 Sleeping in the sunshine If