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目的了解甘肃省兰州市大型商场环境质量现状,为监督、监测及商场相关卫生政策法规的出台提供科学依据,以保障从业人员及广大人民群众的身体健康。方法随机抽取兰州市15家商场作为监测对象,监测指标为噪声、一氧化碳、二氧化碳、甲醛、氨、照度、细菌总数、真菌总数等,按照中华人民共和国国家标准《商场(店)、书店卫生标准》GB 9670-1996进行比对分析。结果本次调查共监测15家商场1 897项次,超标401项次,超标率为21.14%;其中相对湿度的超标率为92.49%(160/173)、噪声的超标率为88.27%(158/179)、温度的超标率为17.34%(30/173)、照度的超标率为5.59%(10/179)、风速的超标率为零(0/148)、氨的超标率为29.03%(36/124)、一氧化碳的超标率为4.38%(7/160)、二氧化碳的超标率为2.79%(5/179)、甲醛的超标率为0.64%(1/157),尚未发现细菌总数超标。结论兰州市商场室内环境存在着不同程度的污染,以物理性污染为主,其次是化学性污染,其中甲醛超标率最低,相对湿度超标率最高,未发现细菌性污染,应加强商场等公共场所的环境质量监测和管理。 Objective To understand the status quo of the environmental quality of large-scale shopping malls in Lanzhou, Gansu Province, and to provide a scientific basis for the supervision, monitoring and the introduction of relevant hygiene policies and regulations in the shopping malls so as to ensure the health of practitioners and the general public. Methods A total of 15 shopping malls in Lanzhou were randomly selected for monitoring. The monitoring indicators were noise, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, ammonia, illumination, total number of bacteria and total number of fungi. According to the national standard of the People’s Republic of China, GB 9670-1996 for comparison analysis. Results In this survey, a total of 1 897 shopping malls were monitored in 15 shopping malls, exceeding the limit of 401. The exceeding standard rate was 21.14%. The over-standard rate of relative humidity was 92.49% (160/173) and the excessive noise rate was 88.27% (158 / 179). The over-standard temperature was 17.34% (30/173), the over-standard illuminance was 5.59% (10/179), the over-standard wind speed was zero (0/148) / 124). The over-standard rate of carbon monoxide was 4.38% (7/160), the over-standard rate of carbon dioxide was 2.79% (5/179) and the over-standard rate of formaldehyde was 0.64% (1/157). Conclusion Indoor environment of shopping mall in Lanzhou City is polluted to a great extent, mainly to physical pollution, followed by chemical pollution. Among them, the formaldehyde exceeding standard rate is the lowest, the relative humidity exceeding the standard rate is the highest, no bacterial pollution is found, and public places such as shopping malls should be strengthened Environmental quality monitoring and management.
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郭勇是北京市书法教研员中的佼佼者,其书法造诣和创作水平应属上乘。他注重传统书法的研究,涉猎书体广泛,视野宽阔,博取众家之长,早期对我国五代时期杨凝式的《韭花帖》用功最勤,同时兼涉晋人小楷,对唐初欧阳询、褚遂良、虞世南等名家碑帖均有一定的研究,近几年尤喜唐代颜真卿的《争座位帖》和《祭侄文稿》,且在个人的创作风格上已初露端倪,在北京市中小学书法教育行业中应属高手,在社会上和书法界中有一定的影响。  幸
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