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耿家录书友这幅楷书作品,乍看上去给人以古拙之感。但细察之,感到作者基本功不扎实,作品尚不够老练,不足之处主要表现在:一、基本笔画书写不规范。明显之处有“三点水”和“心字底”的写法欠妥,类似有右数第一行“金”字的最后一笔横画起笔不妥。二、结体尚须斟酌。右数第三行“之”字,第五行“白”“湾”字,第七行“夜”“息”“应”字写得松散;第三行“出”字竖折及第九行“贫”以魏碑遗韵融入书法作品,形成独特的“魏碑行书(楷)”面貌,多年来在毛笔界颇受书家青睐。如今,有众多的硬坛书家亦以之为营养加以吸收,发挥想象,表现了自己强烈的风格面貌和意趣横生的姿态,邓大强先生在这方面的尝试无疑取得了较好的成效,从控制笔的能力到章法、结字等都显示了自己较好的能力。本想刊发于“每期一品”,又觉既然是好作品,不妨请更多的人一起欣赏并点评其不足之处,艺术见解上有争议是好事情。经其本人同意,刊发于此,请广大读者欣赏并品评。欢迎踊跃投稿,并于10月15日前寄至本刊编辑部,信封左下角注明“十一月竞评”字样。亦可直接发往本刊电子邮箱。栏目主持关琪 Geng Jia reclusive friends this regular script works, at first glance to give a sense of ancient clumsy. However, scrutiny, I feel that the author’s basic skills are not solid, the work is not sophisticated enough, inadequacies mainly in: First, the basic writing is not standardized. There are obvious “three o’clock water” and “heart of the word” improper wording, similar to the first line of the right number “gold” the last horizontal stroke is not appropriate. Second, the body must be considered. The third line of the word “zhi”, the fifth line of “白” “bay” character, the seventh line of “night” “interest” and “Ying” should be loosely written; the third line of “出” “Poor” with Wei Bei Yun Yun into the calligraphy works, the formation of a unique “Wei Bei Xingshu (Kai)” face, over the years in the brush sector popular book house favored. Today, there are many hard-edged calligraphers who absorb and exert their imagination to express their strong style and interest. His efforts in this area have undoubtedly achieved good results. From control The pen’s ability to chapter law, knot words have shown their better ability. I would like to publish in “a product of each period”, and feel that since it is a good work, may wish to invite more people to appreciate and comment on their deficiencies, controversial views on the arts is a good thing. With its own consent, published here, please readers appreciate and comment. Please feel free to submit your submission and send it to our editorial office by October 15. Please write down the words “Commentary in November” in the lower left corner of the envelope. Can also be sent directly to the magazine e-mail. Column presided over the closing Qi
摘要:中国古典园林历史悠久,作为一门综合的艺术,它包括众多元素,例如山水、花木、植物、古建筑等诸多园林元素。从古至今,园林如同其它文化,都是在一个不断吸收、借鉴、融合的历史氛围中继承下来的。现在呈现在我们眼前的有好多都是经过几百年与无数人的创作、改进而形成的巨大财富。中国的古典园林艺术源远流长,对世界造园艺术留下深刻的影响。  关键词:中国古典园林艺术 现代园林设计 造景元素 应用  中图分类号:
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巴山蜀水只有在绿色的装点下才会更加美丽,天府四川也只有在“绿色发展”理念的引领下才会充满生机与活力。《中共四川省委关于推进绿色发展建设美丽四川的决定》出台后,“绿色发展”理念如何在四川落地生根?如何让“绿色”成为美丽四川新常态?下一步会有哪些工作部署?权威人士给予了相关解答。  谈生态环境  Q:《决定》指出,良好的生态环境是最公平的公共产品,是最普惠的民生福祉。我省生态文明建设的整体推进情况如何