My China Week

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I can’t believe that I just spent10 days in China.I had to keeptelling myself. “I am in China,CHINA.” It was sounreal.So faraway from home, so differentfrom anything I was accustomedto. yet we are all alike, all part ofthe human family. Though wemay look different. We all come I can’t believe that I just spent10 days in China.I had to keeptelling myself. “I am in China,CHINA.” It was sounreal.So faraway from home, so differentfrom anything I was accustomedto. yet we are all Alike, all part ofthe human family. Though wemay look different. We all come
3月31日,在三一“科技节”举办的2007年三一科技论坛上,“工程机械智能控制关键技术”、“挖掘机工作装置两轴疲劳试验加载理论研究”、 On March 31, 2007, at the Trinity
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