建筑哲学的中国表达——访五合国际集团(5+1 Werkhart International)总顾问刘力博士

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一位建筑师、学者、管理者的历史路径“我的一生有两个大的转变”,刘力这样回顾自己。昔年以全国总分第二的成绩考上清华大学建筑系,这是第—个转变,在清华的学习,开拓眼界的同时也为他打下了建筑方面的扎实基础。第二个转变,指他8年的英国留学。在那里,刘力拿到了 PHD 博士学位,对建筑在哲学层面上的认识,往前跨越了一大步。拿到博士学位,然后在学术上发展,这是一个博士的标准发展模板。刘力面对的国内学术环境却与国外有着天壤之别,基本处于脱节状态。如何利用自身在建筑设计上的优势?刘力另辟新径,在设计和管理的道路上走出了自己的精彩,他以澳洲 woodhead中国经理的身份回到了北京。 The historical path of an architect, scholar and manager “There are two major changes in my life,” Liu Li recalls himself in this way. In the past two years with the national total score of Tsinghua University admitted to the Department of Architecture, which is the first - a change in Tsinghua’s study, to broaden their horizons, but also lay a solid foundation for his construction. The second change, referring to his 8-year study in the UK. There, Liu Li received PHD PhD degree, the philosophical level of understanding of architecture, a big step forward. Get a Ph.D. and then develop academically, which is a PhD’s standard development template. The domestic academic environment that Liu Li faces is vastly different from that of other countries, and is basically in a disconnected state. How to take advantage of its own architectural design advantages? Liu Li opened up a new path, in the design and management of the road out of their own wonderful, he was Australian manager of woodhead China back to Beijing.