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《砖混建筑技术改造“七五”规划要点》指出:砖混建筑技术改造的重点是住宅建筑。改造的目标是:改善砖混建筑的技术性能和功能质量,提高砖混建筑工业化水平,向社会化大生产发展,并在标准化的基础上实现多样化。改造的途径是:改革砌体材料,运用模数协调原理,改进住宅设计方法,扩大采用通用建筑构配件和标准模具,改革施工工艺,采用配套施工机具,提高工业化、社会化程度。改造的内容和方法是:加强标准化工作;提高设计水平;进行墙体和楼面用砖的改革;提高施工技术。规划要点中还提出了应采取的政策措施。 The key points of the “7th Five-Year Plan” for the transformation of brick-concrete building technology pointed out that the focus of technological transformation of brick-concrete buildings is residential construction. The goal of the renovation is to improve the technical performance and functional quality of brick-concrete buildings, increase the industrialization level of brick-concrete buildings, develop into socialized large-scale production, and realize diversification on the basis of standardization. The transformation methods are: reforming masonry materials, applying the principle of modular coordination, improving the design methods of residential buildings, expanding the use of general architectural components and parts and standard dies, reforming construction techniques, and using supporting construction equipment to improve industrialization and socialization. The contents and methods of transformation are: strengthening standardization work; improving the design level; reforming bricks for walls and floors; and improving construction techniques. The planning points also include the policy measures that should be taken.
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