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如何使扶贫资金真正发挥效益,实现真扶贫、办实事,是各级政府和财政、扶贫部门认真思考的大问题。河北省沧州市孟村回族自治县财政、扶贫部门结合本地实际,大胆探索市场经济条件下财政扶贫工作的新路子,创新财政扶贫资金管理机制,使农民脱贫、财政增收,2001年,农民人均收入由1996年的803元增加到1192元,财政收入由2909万元增加到4480万元。一、发挥扶贫资金的导向作用,加速农户脱贫致富步伐孟村回族自治县属国家级贫困县。历史上有着发展畜牧、贩运、屠宰、加工牛羊的传统。长期以来,由 How to make the poverty alleviation funds truly effective and achieve true poverty alleviation and affirmative action is a major issue that the governments at various levels and the financial and poverty alleviation departments seriously think about. In accordance with local conditions, the finance and poverty alleviation departments of Cangzhou Hui Autonomous County, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province boldly explored new ways for poverty alleviation work under market economy conditions and innovated the management mechanism for financial poverty alleviation funds so as to lift peasants out of poverty and increase revenues. In 2001, the per capita income of peasants 803 yuan in 1996 increased to 1192 yuan, the fiscal revenue increased from 29.09 million yuan to 44.8 million yuan. First, give play to the guiding role of funds for poverty alleviation and accelerate the pace of peasants getting out of poverty Mengchu Hui Autonomous County is a national poor county. Historically, there has been a tradition of developing livestock husbandry, trafficking, slaughtering and processing cattle and sheep. For a long time, from
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[Objective]To study the protective effect of Rubus delavayi Franch on acute liver injury induced in mice by tetrachloromethane (CCl4) . [Methods]The model of ac