A bright example for all of us-Professor Shi Changxu

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Professor Shi Chanxu received the Top Scientists Award of China in early 2011.This is a very important event.As a materials scientist originally from China,I am very happy to hear this news.I see this award as a great encouragement,not only for people working in the field of Materials Science and Engineering, but also for all scientists and technologists in China. Professor Shi is one of the most famous materials scientists in the world,and has also made great contributions to the strategic development of science and engineering in China.I had the opportunity to listen Professor Shi Chanxu received the Top Scientists Award of China in early 2011.This is a very important event.As a materials scientist originally from China, I am very happy to hear this news.I see this award as a great encouragement, not only for people working in the field of Materials Science and Engineering, but also for all scientists and technologists in China. Professor Shi is one of the most famous materials scientists in the world, and has also made great contributions to the strategic development of science and engineering in China.I had the opportunity to listen
一直对英国女作家伍尔夫很感兴趣的我,在偶然的搜索中发现了这部影片。电影《时时刻刻》是2002年的奥斯卡影片,但吸引我的不是它的光环,也不是一线著名的大腕,而是那个既是上帝的宠儿又是上帝的弃儿的天才,伍尔夫。  影片根据同名小说改编,讲述了三个女人一天之内的故事,而她们三个的关联便是伍尔夫的作品《达洛维夫人》。这三位主角的其中之一便是伍尔夫。  如果不是看过演员表,我一点也猜不到伍尔夫是由妮可·基德
1.You’re asking the wrong person.你问错人了。2.I’ve never given it much thought.这事儿我从来没多想。3.I don’t think it’s any of my business.我觉得这事跟我没
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