Amelia: Yardstick of Woman Beauty in a Patriarchal Society

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  【Abstract】Vanity Fair is the enduring masterpiece of William Thackeray, with its enigmatic and fascinating subtitle: a novel without a hero. It might as well be interpreted as thus: a novel without a hero, yet with all heroines. Thackeray, from his man’s perspective, presents a full-scale picture of the female sex then. This thesis is mainly focused on the analysis of Amelia, who towers in the middle of the picture, and is established as the yardstick of woman beauty in a patriarchal society, against which other female characters are roughly measured.
  【Key words】Amelia; yardstick; woman beauty; patriarchal society
  1. Introduction
  In 1848, Thackeray brought out his masterpiece Vanity Fair. As a great social realist, Thackeray showed in Vanity Fair a real picture of Victorian middle-class world, in which women were expected to be shy, gentle, sweet, submissive, and were worshipped by men the very way men did to appreciate a delicate vase.
  Thackeray, with the moral principle topmost in his mind, was urged by his time to stand by the side of Amelia, who was the norm, the yardstick of woman beauty placed in the middle to measure the throngs of women passing by her. Besides, as a man, Thackeray had his gender flaws which would unconsciously drew him near the Victorian “angel in the house”.
  2. Analysis of Amelia
  2.1 Femininity: Weakness and Obedience
  Femininity has always been associated with weakness and obedience in a patriarchal society. Such femininity like the “the magic mirror” spoken of by Virginia Woolf, magnifies the image of man by which man’s ridiculous vanity is satisfied. Amelia is endowed with the fascinating feminine as mentioned above, so
  For almost all men who came near her loved her; though no doubt they would be at a loss to tell you why. She was not brilliant, nor witty, nor wise ever much, nor extraordinary handsome. But wherever she went, she touched and charmed every one of the male sex…I think it was her weakness which was her principle (Thackeray 489).
  Then let’s see how she conquers George Osborne with this quality:
  The prostration and sweet obedience exquisitely touched and flattered George Osborne, he saw a slave before him in that simple yielding faithful creature, and his soul thrilled secretly somehow at the knowledge of his power. He would be generous-minded, sultan as he was, he raised up this kneeling Esther and make a queen of her (Thackeray 236).   Words as “prostration”, “obedience”, “yielding”, and “faithful” cut a feminine Amelia before the readers.
  2. 2 Role as a Wife
  Amelia is a born wife who is sure to marry a man to protect her and to be all her life. As Becky cautions her after she rejects Major Dobbin, “you are no more fit to live in the world than a baby in arms. You must marry… you must have a husband” (Thackeray 866).
  Her idealized and sentimental love toward her husband is far above the average as “he was her Europe; her emperor; her allied monarchs and august prince regent; he was her son and moon…” (Thackeray 137). Even long after George died, when the devoted Major Dobbin unconsciously mentioned the scandal between George and Becky, Amelia is greatly at rage for it insults her perfect illusion. This minor and unknowingly “insulation” has undone the work of many a year’s love and constancy by Major Dobbin. Although in the end Amelia has to face the cruel collapse of her perfect idol, it is really torn down forcibly under mighty evidence.
  2.3 Role as a Mother
  If a Victorian woman is sometimes bothered about how to divide her love between husband and son―two most important persons in her life, or is puzzled with whom she loves more, Amelia doesn’t have such bother or puzzle. Since she loves both with her whole heart and the first George’s death has pooled all her love around the little one. Little George is “her heart and her treasure―her joy, hope, love, worship―her god almost”. “This child was her being! Her existence was a maternal caress”.
  3. Conclusion
  The Bible says God creates man in the world, and makes the first woman with one of the man’s fibs. So the patriarchal sound can be traced far back to the appearance of human beings. It may be since then that women have been regarded as the dependencies of men. As for the modern concerns of the yardstick, we have to admit that it still works there. Much more popular as today’s feminist movements have become, it may not be a short road for females to be totally freed from the sphere of man’s influence.
  [1]Chang, Yaoxin,常耀信.英國文学史[M].天津:南开大学出版社, 2006.
【摘要】世界正一步步朝着国际化的局面发展,这个时候对于英语的教育就显得尤为重要。因为环境的原因,大部分学生周围是没有那个一直说英语的环境,我们必须对小学英语的教育重视起来。在小学英语的教学中,想要提高学生的能力,必须要培养学生的思维品质。本文就如何培养学生的思维品质进行了深入的讨论。  【关键词】小学英语;思维品质;启发教学  【作者简介】李燕,甘肃省甘南州舟曲县第二小学。  英语作为国际通用语言
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莫正才和他的狗  莫正才88歲的人生里经历了很多事情,但他最大的难关是在晚年。眼下,他必须像战士一样守卫自己的祖屋。  自从即将拆迁的消息再度传来,他最近已经不敢轻易离开老宅—到农贸市场一次要买上好几天的菜,储放在阳光很难照进的厨房里。到了饭点,茄子、青菜和豆子就会满满当当地堆放到蒸屉里,连着前天剩下的肉汤,一同蒸熟。  如果不是因为房子的分歧,他原本只是个普通的老人,高龄之际还能享受四代同堂的幸
【摘要】学生大都有着显著的争强好胜的特点,所以,在英语课堂的教学过程中,教师可以将竞争机制引入,對其特点进行充分利用,将学生在课堂上的注意力进行集中,进而将学习效率进行有效提升,使学生本身的活力进行展现,将英语课堂教学变得更加高效。  【关键词】竞争评价机制;课堂内容;英语学  【作者简介】于春燕,山东省东营市利津县第二实验学校。  将竞争机制在课堂中恰当地进行引入,能够将学生的自主课堂意识进行唤