
来源 :新疆农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tdsl
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【目的】研究外源基因遗传表达的稳定性、转基因小麦农艺性状和抗蚜效果,为转基因小麦商品化生产提供参考。【方法】于2009/10年度在北京市进行转基因安全评价中间试验,田间调查转基因小麦生长发育、形态特征等各种农艺性状和田间的抗蚜虫效果,并与室内抗蚜鉴定进行比较分析。【结果】T4代转s GNA基因小麦株系2-5、3-7、3-20和5-20均为纯合株系。在田间栽培条件下,个体生长发育正常,生长发育各个阶段所需的天数与对照基本一致,生长特性没有发生变化;但转基因小麦在株高、分蘖数、小穗数、不育小穗数等性状上与对照存在差异,千粒重和小穗数达到了显著水平。这4个株系都具有抑蚜效果,麦蚜虫口密度抑制率2.3%~48.3%。在转基因株系单分蘖上着生的蚜虫数目明显低于对照。【结论】转基因株系的农艺性状表现正常,外源基因能够稳定遗传和表达,与对照相比,转基因株系具有不同程度的抑制蚜虫效果。 【Objective】 The objective of this study is to study the stability of the genetic expression of foreign genes, the agronomic characters of transgenic wheat and the effect of aphid resistance, and to provide a reference for the commercial production of transgenic wheat. 【Method】 In 2009/10, an intermediate safety evaluation of transgenic plants was conducted in Beijing. Field trials were conducted to investigate the effects of various agronomic traits and field-related aphids on the growth and development of transgenic wheat, and to compare with the indoor identification of aphids. 【Result】 The results showed that homozygous lines of 2-5, 3-7, 3-20 and 5-20 of T4 transgenic plants were all homozygous. Under the field cultivation conditions, the individual growth and development of normal growth and development of all stages of the required number of days consistent with the control, growth characteristics did not change; but the transgenic wheat plant height, tillering number, spikelet number, the number of sterile spike etc. Traits and control differences, grain weight and spikelets reached a significant level. All four strains had aphid depressing effect, and the inhibition rate of wheat aphid population density was 2.3% ~ 48.3%. The number of aphids born on single tillers of transgenic lines was significantly lower than that of the control. 【Conclusion】 The agronomic characters of the transgenic lines are normal, the foreign genes can be stably inherited and expressed. Compared with the control, the transgenic lines have different levels of aphid inhibition.
Strong interaction between natural dissolved organic matter (DOM) and Hg(II) may influence the transport, conversion, toxicity and bio-validity of mercury in th
【目的】研究早熟陆地棉种质遗传多样性,为北疆早熟陆地棉育种提供理论依据。【方法】基于43个早熟陆地棉品种表型和基因型数据,利用Power Marker V3.25软件,进行遗传多样性
【目的】采取淋洗、冲洗或两者并用措施,对恰布拉村牧民定居点盐碱土壤进行改良,为改良盐碱化土壤,提高现有土地生产能力提供科学依据。【方法】分别在排碱渠临界条田20、40、60和80 m处采取0~80cm土样(20 cm为1层)测定其土壤电导率变化(试验1)。对盐碱化土壤进行冲洗(A区)、淋洗(B区)或两者并用(AB区)处理和对照区(CK区),测定0~80 cm处(10 cm为1层)土壤电导率、阳离子