
来源 :口腔医学纵横 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunuplee
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S2301型牙科综合治疗机是西北医疗器械一厂生产的牙科专用设备,国内占有量较大,目前正处于故障高峰期,为了帮助维护人员掌握该机的维修,笔者将维修该机过程中的体会奉献给读者,供参考。 一、结构原理简介 1.气路系统:由空气压缩机产生的压缩空气进入副箱体内的分水滤气器,将压缩空气中的杂质和 The S2301 dental unit is a specialized dental equipment produced by the Northwest Medical Equipment Factory. It has a large domestic occupation and is currently in a peak period of failure. In order to help maintenance personnel master the maintenance of the aircraft, the author will experience the process of repairing the aircraft. Dedicated to readers for reference. First, the structure of the principle of Introduction 1. Air system: compressed air produced by the air compressor into the sub-tank water separator, the compressed air impurities and
目的 为从山高粱中提取出较大量的总黄酮寻找提取溶剂的最佳浓度。方法 分别采用 90 %、80 %、70 %、6 0 % 4种浓度的乙醇作为山高粱中黄酮类化合物的提取溶剂 ,进而得到 4
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Tec家族蛋白酪氨酸激酶Itk特异地表达于T细胞 ,对T细胞的成熟与活化等具有很大影响 ,因而可能在T细胞的信号转导过程中处于重要位置。我们利用PCR的方法从含Itk基因全长cDNA
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